Update On COVID-19 As Of April 4: 150 People Are Declared Cured And Have Immunity Against Viruses

JAKARTA - Although the number of positive cases of COVID-19 has increased, the good news is that those who recover have also increased. Until now, out of a total of 2,092 people who have now tested positive for the virus, there are 150 people who have recovered without any other complaints.

"We are grateful that there are 16 of our brothers who have recovered with negative examinations, and two consecutive examinations so that they can be sent home, bringing the total (who recovered) to 150 people," said spokesman for the handling of COVID-19, Achmad Yurianto at the conference. press broadcast on the BNPB YouTube account, Saturday, April 4.

Those who were declared cured, Yuri said, there was no need for the public to worry about carrying the COVID-19 virus and transmitting it. Because, in addition to being in a healthy condition, they also now have immunity to fight the virus.

"We believe that 150 people have recovered and have immunity to the COVID-19 virus," he said.

Although there are 150 people who have now been declared cured and have immunity to the virus, however, Yuri said there were an additional 10 people who died. So that if it is accumulated, the death toll currently reaches 191 people.

In the press conference, Yurianto also asked people not to travel anywhere, not only avoiding going to their hometowns and staying at home to cut the spread of the corona virus.

Bearing in mind, at this time many people actually carry this virus in their bodies but have no symptoms or what is commonly called People Without Symptoms (OTG).

"This is a high potential for transmission in the community, because on the one hand the person does not experience any complaints. On the other hand, many people still have not properly implemented the provisions of pysichal distancing, keeping their distance," he explained.