After Bleeding, Vincent Verhaag Asks Jessica Iskandar To Stay Home More Often After Giving Birth

JAKARTA - Jessica Iskandar and Vincent Verhaag's couple said they had discussed the division of tasks after the birth of their third child. Vincent said that he would continue to work to meet the needs of their little daughter.

"Like all married couples, we share tasks. So we still have to continue working because milk and pampers are getting more expensive," said Vincent Verhaag in the Menteng area, Central Jakarta, Sunday, December 8.

Even so, Vincent suggested that his wife should stay at home more often, especially since Jessica had just suffered bleeding after giving birth.

"So the work team is probably more often at home, I will work. If for example Jess works, replace her," said Vincent Verhaag.

However, this does not want to be a fixed regulation between them. Vincent and Jessica will still see the situation later. "I don't know what the story will be, the pattern is, just go with the flow," said Vincent.

Previously, Jessica Iskandar had experienced bleeding when she gave birth to their third child and had to undergo a blood transfusion.

As a result, Jessica had to be treated for approximately one week in the hospital to undergo a normal post-born recovery.