A Short Lecture On Devotion To Parents

YOGYAKARTA - Serving parents is certainly the obligation of a child. The priority of respecting and loving parents is also often chosen as the theme of lectures in religious activities. Thus, examples of short lectures about being devoted to parents who touch their hearts can be used as a reference for those of you who want to give lectures.

Technically, delivering lectures must be systematic and orderly in accordance with rhetoric principles and speech skills. The content of the drafted text must be persuasive so that listeners can apply the positive activities presented in the text in their daily lives.

Quoting the book CCM How to quickly master the Indonesian SMA and MA by Tomi Rianto (2019:107), the lecture text is a text aimed at providing advice and clues to listeners.

In general, the speaker will provide and compose a text lecture word after word so that the intent he wants to convey can be clearly accepted by the listener. As for the example of the lecture text that is devoted to parents who touch your heart, you can see below.

Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

Alhamdulillah. All praise is only given to God Almighty for His infinite mercy and gifts.

Selawat and greetings to Your Majesty, Prophet Muhammad saw. Hopefully we can follow the sunnah.


As good Muslims, of course, we have an obligation to serve our people both mother and father. Islam teaches and requires us as children to serve and obey your father's mother.

Obeying and serving parents is a commendable attitude and act. As explained, Allah Swt ordered mankind to respect their parents.

Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala kehindungmu: "Kami willingasikan kepada manusia agar berbuat baik kepada ibu apaknya." (QS. Al-Ankabut:8).

There are payments to serve parents, including being devoted to carrying out the good results and orders of both of them, caring for them with sincerity and awareness if the parents are old or forgetful, willing to sacrifice for their parents, and so on.

Devoting to parents is not only what we do when parents are still alive. We can also do this to parents even though their parents have died.

Some of the ways to serve our parents that we can do when our parents have died include caring for corpses by bathing, facilitating, taped and burying them. Not only that, serving the parents who have died, others can be done by connecting the relationship, carrying out wills, and so on.

Those are some ways to serve our parents that we can do. If something goes wrong, I apologize profusely.

Wassalamu'alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

First of all, let us say puja and thank God for the presence of Swt, which without the meaning of giving His grace and blessings to all of us until now. Don't forget to pray and greet us Prophet Muhammad saw and his family, friends, and people until the end of time.

Let's be happy,

Doing good to parents is the obligation of a child. Anyone who does good to his parents means that he has betrayed Allah and obeyed Allah's orders well.

This is because doing good to parents has been taught by Allah in His word: "And we command humans to do good and serve their mother and father." (QS. Lukman 31:14)

Why are we ordered to serve our parents? Because it was he who gave birth to us, who carried us as children, who fed us, who loved us until now.

The Prophet Muhammad saw, has taught his people to always pray for his parents. How do you pray friends? Allahummaghfirli walawalidaya warhamhuma kama robayani soghiro. This means: "O Allah forgive my sins and sins of my parents and love them both as they loved me as a child."

"That is a prayer that we can pray for our parents. May we be children who always pray for our parents so that our sins and sins of our parents are forgiven and may we be loved by Allah SWT, amen.

"That's the lecture that I can convey, hopefully, it will be an additional knowledge for us together. If something goes wrong, I apologize profusely.

Wassalamu'alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

Such is the review of short lectures about being devoted to parents. Visit VOI.id to get other interesting information.