Meat Grows In Gusi, Can Be A Symptom Of Cysts To Oral Cancer
YOGYAKARTA - Have you ever felt lumps or meat growing in the gum? Although this condition is considered trivial by some people, it can be a sign of serious dental health problems.
The growth of meat in gums can be caused by several factors, ranging from infection to more complex medical conditions. More specifically, let's discuss further the causes, symptoms, and how to deal with them.
Gerbulan pada gum bisa menjadi tanda adanya kista, sariawan, atau infeksi yang mengendalinyanya. Benjolan pada gumanya tidak serius, tetapi Anda harus menghubungi dokter dentist. Dilansir dari Healthline, berikut ini beberapa faktor penyebabnya:
Cysts are small bubbles filled with air, fluid, or other soft materials. Dental cysts can form in the gums around your teeth.
Most of the cysts of the teeth form around the roots of the teeth that die or are buried. This cyst grows slowly over time and rarely causes symptoms unless it is infected. If infected, you may feel pain and swelling around the bump.
If the size is large enough, the cyst can put pressure on your teeth and cause weakness in the jaw over time. Most dental cysts are easy to lift through simple surgical procedures.
Also read the article that discusses How to Prevent Gingivitis, Inflammatory Gusi caused by Plak Buildup
The abscess on the gums is called the periodontal abscess. Bacterial infections cause this small collection of pus. This abscess can feel like a gentle and warm bump that is often very painful. The symptoms include:
Oral fibroma is one of the most common causes of tumor-like bumps in the gums. Fibroma is a tame lump formed in the gum tissue that is excited or injured.
If it occurs in the gums, usually the fibroma is caused by irritation from the gurchs or other mouthpieces. However, fibroms can also appear in the following parts of the mouth:
Fibroma does not cause pain but usually feels like a hard lump, smooth, dome-shaped, and sometimes looks like a hanging skin tag.
Fibroma color can be darker or brighter than the gums around it. In many cases, fibroms do not require treatment. However, if the size is very large, doctors can remove it by surgery.
Granuloma piogenic oral is a red bump that develops in the mouth, including gums. These lumps usually look like swollen lumps filled with blood that die easily.
The cause of the pyrogenic granuloma is not known for sure, but minor injuries and irritation appear to play a role. Some women also experience it during pregnancy, which suggests that hormonal changes may also be a factor.
Oral cancer, sometimes called oral cancer, refers to cancer in any part of your oral cavity, including gums. Cancer tumors in the gums may seem like small growth, lumps, or skin thickening. Other symptoms of oral cancer include:
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