Breastfeeding Mothers Want To Fast? Here's How To Get Around It

JAKARTA - For nursing mothers who want to perform fasting should pay close attention to food intake well when breaking the fast and sahur.

"Nursing mothers, especially if the baby is already large for example the age of five to eight months, it actually needs a lot of breast milk. So nursing mothers should be very attentive to food and drink intake," said clinical nutritionist, Dr. Luciana B Sutanto MS SpGK in the Instagram broadcast of Ramadan Series "Happy at Home with Hometown" quoted from Antara, Wednesday.

Doctor Luciana recommends that the production of breast milk remains fulfilled, nursing mothers need more than the need for intake of water eight glasses of water a day.

"Ideally finished breastfeeding drink a glass, it's outside the schedule of eating a day three times and interspersed meals a day two to three times yes. So nursing mothers every meal must drink a glass, after nyemil must drink a glass," said the President of Indonesian Nutrition Association (INA).

It is certainly difficult to do when nursing mothers perform fasting, so it is advisable to milk at night.

"Fresh milk can be given the next day to the baby," said dr Luciana.

It is recommended that nursing mothers eat in accordance with the guidelines of the contents of my plate, namely the portion of food consumed in one plate consists of 50 percent fruit and vegetables, the remaining 50 percent consists of carbohydrates and proteins.

"If it meets it is actually enough. A glass of milk can be a complementary addition," he said.

Dr Luciana also reminded that during ramadan fasting keep active living by exercising. "It is recommended to exercise aerobics such as a leisurely walk before fasting. If you want a high intensity can be done after breaking the fast."

Hometown Dairy launched the "Happy with Hometown Ramadan Series", an online discussion discussing the goodness of Hometown Dairy milk with experts that will be held every Saturday throughout Ramadan.

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