4 Most Dominant Chemical Elements In The Human Body, Anything?
YOGYAKARTA The human body consists of various chemical elements that play an important role in carrying out the function of the body optimally. Of the 118 chemical elements on earth, four elements were found to be the most dominant in the human body.
These elements together form various molecules that compose DNA, cells, tissue, and human organs.
So, what are the most dominant chemical elements in the human body? Check out the full information below.
Adapting the Visual Capitalist page, the four most dominant elements in the human body are oxygen, carbon, hydrogen, and nitrogen.
Oxygen is the most common element in the human body, covering about 61 percent of a person's body mass.
Given that about 60-70 percent of the body consists of water, it is not surprising that oxygen and hydrogen are the two most common chemical elements found in the body.
Along with carbon and nitrogen, these four elements account for 96 percent of the human body's mass.
The functions of the four elements are:
Oxygen plays an important role in the metabolism, breathing, and oxygenation of the body's cells. Oxygen is also found in every major organic molecule in the body, including protein, carbohydrates, fats, and nucleic acids.
This element is the main component of everything, from cells and blood to our brain fluids and spinal fluids.
Carbon is the most important structural element and the reason why humans are referred to as carbon-based creatures.
In the human body, carbon is needed to form proteins, carbohydrates, and fats. Breaking carbon bonds in carbohydrates and protein is the main energy source for our bodies.
Hydrogen, the most abundant chemical element in the universe, is also found in all body fluids, enabling toxins and waste to be transported and elerated.
With the help of hydrogen, the joints in the body remain lubricated and capable of carrying out their functions. Hydrogen is also believed to have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties that help increase muscle function.
Nitrogen is an important component of amino acids used to form peptides and proteins.
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Not only that, nitrogen is an integral part of DNA nucleic acid and RNA, which is a chemical framework for genetic information and human lineage.
In addition to these four elements, the human body also contains other elements, such as calcium, phosphorus, sulfur, potassium, sodium, klor, and magnesium.
These elements are an important part of the composition of protein, carbohydrates, and fat in the body. Lacks or excesses of certain elements can have a negative impact on health.
That's information about the 4 most dominant chemical elements in the body. Get news updates of other options only on VOI.ID.