East Jakarta Bawaslu Still Conducting Studies Regarding PSU At Pinang Ranti TPS
The East Jakarta Election Supervisory Agency (Bawaslu) is still conducting a study regarding the possibility of re-voting (PSU) at Polling Station 028 Pinang Ranti, Makassar District, following violations in the vote at that location.
The chairman of the East Jakarta Bawaslu, Willem J. Wetik, stated that currently his party is still conducting internal discussions through plenary meetings to determine whether the PSU will be held. "For the potential of the PSU, we are still discussing it. We will decide in the near future," said Willem, Wednesday, December 4.
According to him, the deadline for discussing this issue is 10 days, which means that decisions related to PSU at Pols 028 Pinang Ranti can be announced no later than December 6 or 7, 2024.
"We are still waiting for the results of the internal study, and according to the rules, the decision must be taken before the deadline," he added.
Regarding the alleged criminal offense committed by the Head of the Voting Organizing Group (KPPS) with the initials RH and the Live Security Officer (Pamsung) with the initials KN, Willem revealed that the legal process is currently underway at the Integrated Law Enforcement Center (Gakkumdu).
"For this case, the legal process is still ongoing in Gakkumdu, and we will immediately submit the case files to the Police for follow-up," said Willem.
East Jakarta Bawaslu plans to submit the case files to the East Jakarta Metro Police after collecting documents related to the case. "We will submit the files today and will be further processed at the Resort Police," he continued.
Meanwhile, the Chairman of the East Jakarta KPU, Tedi Kurnia, revealed that his party was still waiting for an official recommendation from the East Jakarta Bawaslu regarding the PSU at Pols 028 Pinang Ranti.
"We are still waiting for recommendations from Bawaslu. If the PSU is recommended, the KPU will carry out in accordance with applicable procedures," he said.
Tedi added that the vote recapitulation stage continued even though Bawaslu had not yet provided recommendations regarding the PSU. "The recapitulation stage will continue. If there is a PSU after the recapitulation at the city level, the KPU will implement it at the provincial level," said Tedi.
Previously, the East Jakarta KPU Commissioner, Rio Verieza, revealed that his party had taken firm action by dismissing the Chairman of the RH KPPS and Pamsung KN officers involved in the violation.
Rio explained that the two officers cheated by voting on a spontaneous basis to increase the voter participation rate at the TPS.
"Based on their confession, the purpose of this action is to make the voter participation report at the TPS look higher," said Rio.
He also explained that as many as 19 ballots had been cast for candidate pair number 3, but only one managed to enter the ballot box, while the other 18 ballots were successfully thwarted by the polling station supervisor.