Andi Tri Amalian, Wife Of International Network Drug Dealer Enters BNN DPO

MAKASSAR The Provincial National Narcotics Agency (BNNP) of South Sulawesi has named Andi Tri Amalian (39), the wife of an international network drug dealer, as the People's Wanted List (DPO).

The woman from Bone Regency is suspected of having played an important role in recruiting new members for the drug trafficking network in South Sulawesi for the past five years.

The determination of the DPO status was announced after the development of cases of arresting several network members involved in the distribution of methamphetamine in the area.

The Head of Enforcement and Eradication of the South Sulawesi BNNP, AKBP Ardiansyah, explained that Andi Tri Amalian was suspected of controlling the drug network managed by her husband, Iking Lewa alias AJ. In addition to recruiting new members, he is also said to often receive money from the sale of methamphetamine from the network.

"The name Andi Tri Amalian was revealed from the results of the development of the case against other suspects. He managed to escape, and we are currently pursuing it," said Ardiansyah, Wednesday, December 4.

Iking Lewa alias AJ, who is her husband, was previously arrested along with one of her gang, DD. Both are known as the main actors in a large drug network in the South Sulawesi region.

Andi Tri Amalian is said to have acted as the recipient of the money from the sale of drugs from her husband's gang. The money was handed over through an intermediary, including the suspect with the initials DD.

"This DPO is the recipient of the narcotics sale carried out by AJ through DD," said Ardiansyah.

In addition to the arrests of the perpetrators, the South Sulawesi BNNP is also investigating the Money Laundering (TPPU) case allegedly carried out by this large network. Until now, AJ's billions of rupiah worth of assets have been confiscated by investigators.

Iking Lewa alias AJ has been sentenced to 13 years in prison after being found guilty of conspiracy and attempted to sell more than 5 grams of methamphetamine. Meanwhile, Andi Tri Amalian is still being hunted by BNN.

BNN appealed to people who have information regarding the existence of this DPO to immediately report it to the authorities.