Update On COVID-19 As Of April 3: Patients Are On The Rise, Consider Going Out Of The House

JAKARTA - The number of positive patients with the corona virus or COVID-19 continues to increase. To date, the number of patients who have tested positive for the virus has reached 1,986 with the addition of 196 patients.

Spokesperson for handling COVID-19 Achmad Yurianto (Yuri) said this figure shows that the spread of the virus is still happening and there has been no change.

"On the day it increased 196 people so that the number of positive cases became 1,986. The number of cured cases increased by 22 people, bringing the total to 134 people. Then 11 people died to 181 people. Once again this picture shows the transmission process is still taking place outside," said Yurianto. in a press conference broadcast on BNPB's YouTube account, Friday, April 3.

Therefore, he asked the public to reconsider going out of the house. Because, in this time of the pandemic, the safest place to be is at home. "I suggest you don't have to go, especially since the data situation grows longer from day to day," he said.

Yuri said, by spending time at home, apart from avoiding the spread of COVID-19, people can prepare to enter the transition season by cleaning mosquito nests in their homes to avoid cases of dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF).

"I need to remind the transmitters in April, May the rate of dengue cases often increases. Don't let this worsen the COVID-19 pandemic. Do cleaning the mosquito nests, we spend a lot of time at home," he appealed.

Furthermore, Yurianto explained, there were already 4,000 rooms prepared to deal with the outbreak. This figure includes the Wisma Atlet Emergency Hospital, Kemayoran, Jakarta which has a capacity of 3,000 rooms and currently 500 rooms are used.

Apart from the matter of rooms that have been prepared, to look after health workers, there are around 300 thousand personal protective equipment (PPE) that have been distributed throughout Indonesia. For the DKI Jakarta area, said Yurianto, he has received an additional 85 thousand PPE specifically for handling COVID-19.

Then PPE was also distributed to West Java as much as 55,000, East Java as much as 25,000, to the Special Region of Yogyakarta as much as 10,000, Bali as much as 12,500, then Banten as many as 10,000.

Furthermore, outside Java and Bali, Yurianto said his party had distributed more than 5,000 PPE to each province in Indonesia.

"This figure is certainly not a number that we think is sufficient and it will stop here because we will continue to send it further," he concluded.