Getting To Know Low Maintenance Friendship: Sincere Friendship Even In The Midst Of Existing Busyness
YOGYAKARTA - Having a true friend is one of the most beautiful blessings in life. However, maintaining a strong friendship requires understanding, trust, and flexibility, especially in the midst of a busy schedule. One of the ideal forms of relationship for this situation is known as low maintenance friendship.
This article will discuss the meaning of low maintenance friendship, the signs of someone applying it, as well as the benefits of this friendly relationship.
According to Marsidi's book Persahabatan Hakiki, friendship is a relationship built on the basis of trust, loyalty, and a sense of togetherness. In friendship, it is important to support each other, understand, and respect each other.
However, not all friendships must involve intense interaction or continuous communication. Low maintenance friendship is a type of relationship that remains close even though rarely communicates. This friendship allows both parties to focus on their respective activities without feeling guilty or awkward when not exchanging news frequently.
In this relationship, the distance or lack of interaction is not defined as a lack of concern. On the other hand, this type of friendship emphasizes the warmth and trust that still exists even though the time to meet is limited.
Low Maintenance Friendship Signs
How to recognize that your friendship is included in the category of low maintenance friendship? Here are some of the main signs:
Friends who have low maintenance friendship do not question the distance between meetings. When finally met, the moment of togetherness felt warm and full of stories, as if no time was missed.
Low maintenance friendship is about mutual support without having to be physically present at all times. They are always ready to hear friends' stories and give encouragement to every decision or challenge of life.
In this relationship, there is no demand to always exchange news or meet every day. Friendship remains comfortable and harmonious, even though the intensity of communication is rare.
Deep understanding is the main foundation in low maintenance friendship. In this relationship, even though there is a long time lag between one interaction with another, you and your friends still feel appreciated. The time limitation for communicating does not reduce the sense of care that has been built.
Lack of communication is not a sign that relationships are starting to strain. On the other hand, this shows that you and your friends provide space for each other to live life. Relationships remain strong because of mutual trust and understanding, although they rarely exchange news.
Benefits of Low Maintenance Friendship
This type of friendship offers many benefits that make it special:
Why Is Low Maintenance Friendship Valuable?
Low maintenance friendship is a sincere and flexible friendship. This allows a person to maintain close relationships with friends without having to get caught up in excessive communication intensity.
This type of friendship is very suitable for those who are busy and high, but still want to maintain a meaningful relationship. With low maintenance friendship, you can enjoy a low relationship that is stressed and full of trust, while respecting deeper time with friends. So, is your friendship included in this category?
Talking about low maintenance friendship, it would be nice for you to also know the Type of Friendship
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