High Priest Invites Worshippers To Be Grateful Istiqlal Reopened To The Public
JAKARTA - The Grand Imam of Istiqlal Mosque Nasaruddin Umar invited worshippers to be grateful because the mosque has reopened to the public after a year of major renovations.
"Some parties suggested that Istiqlal postpone not to be opened first. But after applying for permission to the government, we get the blessing to open Istiqlal so that it can treat the homesickness of worshippers," Nasaruddin said at Istiqlal Mosque in Jakarta on Monday night.
Nasaruddin gave a speech at tarawih prayer 1 Ramadan 1442 Hijri at Istiqlal Mosque Jakarta after the Government determined the beginning of fasting began on Tuesday, April 13.
The talk themed "Marhaban Ya Ramadhan, Blessed Month" was listened by hundreds of people who worship Tarawih Prayer in Istiqlal.
Nasaruddin revealed that there is a sense of pride and gratitude after the mosque inaugurated by President Suharto about 42 years ago, finally completed the renovation.
Salat Isya and Tarawih on 1 Ramadan 1442 Hijri at Istiqlal Mosque led by Anshoruddin Ibrahim, one of the Imams of Istiqlal Mosque Prayer.
According to the monitoring of Istiqlal officials, Tarawih Prayer 1 Ramadan 1442 Hijri was followed by about 500 citizens. The capacity opened istiqlal in Ramadan this year, namely 2,000 worshipers.
For worship activities, Istiqlal is only open for five-time prayers and Tarawih Prayer. Prayers are only performed on the main floor. Meanwhile, other activities such as iftar and suhoor together are eliminated.