Doctor SHARE Foundation Has A Third Medical Ship, Named Tomia Island

JAKARTA - Doctor SHARE's non-profit humanitarian foundation now has additional floating hospitals (RSA) for the Phinisi ship dr. Lie Dharmawan III, named Putra Tomia, will serve public health in the 3T region (left behind, frontier, and outermost).

"As an archipelagic country, Indonesia has challenges in providing quality integrated health service access that can be enjoyed by all levels of society to remote areas or remote islands," said Chairman of the Doctors of Care Foundation Tutuk Utomo Nuradhy in Ancol, Jakarta, Sunday.

The ship is the third RSA Doctor SHARE unit, after RSA Nusa Waluya II and RSA dr. Lie Dharmawan II (Bahenol II). RSA dr. Lie Dharmawan III (Putra Tomia) was introduced at Batavia Marina, Sunda Kelapa, Jakarta, Sunday.

RSA Nusa Waluya II is a barge type ship that is currently providing health services for the community in Yapen, Papua. Meanwhile, RSA dr. Lie Dharmawan II (Bahenol II) is leaning after traveling to various regions.

RSA dr. Lie Dharmawan III (Men's Tomia) is equivalent to a Type D land hospital. This phinition-type ship is equipped with electrocardiogram (EKG), ultrasonicography (USG) facilities, laboratories, operating rooms, resuscitation rooms, and patient examination rooms.

This Ship Hospital is planned to serve the people in the Kutai Kartanegara, West Kutai and East Kutai areas in 2025. This ship is specifically for the surrounding areas in the river area.

According to Tutuk, the geographical challenges in East Kalimantan are very large, so access to health services is still not evenly distributed, especially outside the city.

"We chose villages along the Mahakam River and other rivers that span in East Kutai, West Kutai, and Kutai Kartanegara as the first locations for medical services at RSA dr. Lie Dharmawan III (Men's Daughter Tomia) in the hope of helping local governments in providing access to health services there," said Tutuk, as quoted by Antara.

According to data from the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) in 2022, the number of doctors in East Kalimantan is 2,882 people, but 65.82 percent of doctors are still centered in urban areas, namely Balikpapan, Samarinda, and Bontang.

Likewise, according to the East Kalimantan Health Office in 2023, there are 803 doctors, but 70.48 percent of specialist doctors are centralized in Balikpapan, Samarinda, and Bontang.

During his 15 years of existence, Doctor SHARE conducted medical services with a "pick up the ball" system with various programs such as the Floating Hospital or Ship (RSA/RSK) totaling three units, flying doctors, clinics, urban medical services, small doctors, TB Program.

Then, the Pengkor Foot Intervention Program, Cataract Program, Urban Stunting, Overcoming Youth Girls' Anemia, Reproduction Health and Mental Health, and so on.