Wife Of Taspen Ceo Rina Kosasih Examined Bareskrim About Viral Video Bickering

JAKARTA - Bareskrim Police Cyber Investigator called the wife of President Director of PT Taspen Antonius Nicholas Stephanus Kosasih, Rina Kosasih to be asked for confirmation and clarification as a witness related to reports of the spread of viral videos concerning domestic squabbles.

Rina when out of Bareskrim Polri claimed to be asked confirmation and asked by investigators as many as about 10 questions.

"My arrival today is to fulfill the call bareskrim Polri to interview or clarify the reporting on brother TYM," said Rina in Bareskrim Polri reported antara, Monday, April 12.

For approximately 3 hours, Rina provided clarification to investigators on the report submitted by TYM on March 2, 2021.

According to Ardian Rizaldi, Rina's legal counsel, who reportedly is not her client, but rather the owner of the account that disseminated the viral video of the raid of an alleged man Antonius Steve Kosasih (President Director of PT Taspen) was with a woman out of the restaurant.

"It's related to the video that went viral, it's still related to the video that went viral," Ardian said.

During the examination, Ardian said, his client answered about 10 questions from investigators, among them whether his client told him to upload the video to social media, whether the video narration came from his client.

"Mrs. Rina, our client never told it all, how, if we can calm down, we just silence it, anyway," said Ardian.

Ardian said the report is still under investigation. The case relates to Article 27 Paragraph (3) juncto Article 45 of the ITE Jo Law. Article 310 jo. Article 311 of the Criminal Code.

"Basically it is all related, which is slander, which is true it will be proven. In reality the news is what it is. However, if there are narratives, our clients do not know, edited what kind of client we are not responsible about it, so who disseminates or what is not at the behest of our client," said Ardian.

In this case, he said, Rina still opened the door to peace. However, the effort has been closed due to the fact in court that his client has been sued for divorce.

Related to this, continued Ardian, it does not stay silent and will make legal efforts back.

"However the legal basis of the cause of the commotion should not file a divorce lawsuit, it has a legal basis as well as a circular of the Supreme Court," Ardian said.

Ardian claimed that he had enough evidence to draw up other legal steps related to the case faced by his client.

In relation to the domestic violence case reported by Rina Kosasih at Polda Metro Jaya, she said that the case is still being processed and is already under investigation, just waiting for some reports to be completed.

It was reported by a number of media outlets that Rina Kosasih reported her husband, Antonius Steve Kosasih (President Director of PT Taspen), related to the alleged KDRT.

Rina has undergone an examination at polda Metro Jaya on March 16, 2021.

Tag: nasional kasus hukum antonius kosasih bareskrim taspen