Yesterday, The Case Of Children Killing Fathers And Grandmothers In Lebak Bulus, The Perpetrator Was Arrested While His Hands Were Covered In Blood

JAKARTA - The cases of the deaths of APW (40) and RM (69) carried out by the perpetrator with the initials MAS (14) at Bona Indah Housing, Lebak Bulus, Cilandak, South Jakarta, are still being investigated by the South Jakarta Metro Police.

"When arrested, the perpetrator was still covered in blood on the right and left hands and clothes of the perpetrators," said Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the South Jakarta Metro Police, AKBP Gogo Galesung, Sunday, December 1.

The police confiscated the evidence used by MAS perpetrators in the form of a knife that was allegedly used to kill his father and grandmother.

"The knife suspected of committing the murder was secured. After that, the spray, clothes covered in blood, and others. It is suspected that the victim was stabbed while sleeping," he said.

As a result of the incident, APW and RM died in a pathetic condition at home. Meanwhile, the perpetrator's mother with the initials AP also suffered serious injuries and underwent intensive care.

"(The perpetrator MAS first stabbed) his father. Then his mother and last grandmother," he said.

As is known, this sadistic murder took place at Bona Indah Housing, Lebak Bulus, Cilandak, South Jakarta, Saturday at 01.00 WIB.

As a result of the investigation, the police revealed that the perpetrator with the initials MAS had the heart to kill his father and grandmother because they got magical whispers.

"Yes, at first he felt he couldn't sleep, then there were things that whispered to him, disturbing him like that," said Kasat.

Atrocities Of 14-Year-Old Children In Lebak Bulus Cilandak

I don't know what MAS was doing when he tried to kill his father and grandmother, APW (40) and RM (69). Even MAS also tried to kill his mother, AP, but it didn't work. AP is still conscious even though he suffered a stab wound to his body.

"From the information from the perpetrator, his father (with the initials APW) was sleeping with his mother. He (MAS perpetrator) took a knife in the kitchen, then he (MAS perpetrator) went up again to (the floor) for carrying out the stabbing. He stabbed his father and mother," said Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the South Jakarta Metro Police, AKBP Gogo Galesung.

Meanwhile, from the results of the crime scene (TKP), it was found that almost a lot of blood was splashed in almost all parts of the victim's house.

"So the blood we found was in the beds of the father and mother. After that on the floor, stairs, to the first floor, yes. Then in front of the grandmother's room and the living room," he said.

Furthermore, AKBP Gogo explained that blood was also found on the garage wall, fenced around the road in front of the house.

"Because his mother also asked for help from his neighbor, so the blood was also near a neighbor's house," he said.

The victim's mother had asked for help when the perpetrator tried to kill her mother. However, the victim's mother managed to run out to seek help.

"This is the initial interrogation of the crime scene and confirmed by the information from the perpetrators," he said.

The perpetrator with the initials MAS initially stabbed his father while sleeping in the room with the perpetrator's mother.

"He visits his father, his mother wakes up, his mother is also stabbed. But maybe not in a deadly place, after that his mother screams," he explained.

The victim APW (the perpetrator's father) had run to the ground floor. After that, his grandmother came out.

"It is suspected that his grandmother was also stabbed when he came out. The first one was stabbed was his father, his mother, then his grandmother," he said.

Previously, this sadistic murder took place at Bona Indah Housing, Lebak Bulus, Cilandak, South Jakarta on Saturday, November 30, at 01.00 WIB.