The Dedy-Dayat Team Revealed 5 Allegations Of Violations Of The 2024 Bungo Regional Head Election

BUNGO, JAMBI Team of Law and Advocacy for Candidates for Regent and Deputy Regent Bungo number 1, Dedy-Dayat, again reported the alleged fraud in the 2024 Bungo Pilkada. The report was submitted to Bawaslu Bungo on Friday, November 29, accompanied by a number of people who were witnesses.

Paisal, SH, MH, representative of the Dedy-Dayat Legal Team, confirmed that the alleged fraud that occurred was indicated to be carried out in a structured, systematic and massive manner.

"We received many public reports. Today we are accompanying them to report five serious violations related to the 2024 Bungo Pilkada," said Paisal.

Paisal detailed the five points of the violation reported. First, a video showing a man voting for candidate pair number 2 on a pile of ballot papers. This incident allegedly involved KPPS officers at TPS 06, Cadika Village, Central Rimbo District.

"Second, there is a report from the Head of KPPS who directed voters to vote for candidate pair number 2," said Paisal. Third, the discovery of a ballot box without a seal during the plenary session in Bathin II Babeko District.

Two other allegations involve regional officials. Datuk Rio Paku Aji reportedly sided with candidate pair number 2 and participated in celebrating the results of the quick count. The same thing was also done by Datuk Rio Bedaro.

"We ask Bawaslu to immediately follow up on this report. If proven, firm action must be taken in accordance with the law," said Paisal.

Responding to the report, Bungo Bawaslu member, Mardiwi, stated that his party had received all report documents according to procedures.

"We will review every report that comes in. If the material of the report leads to an election crime, we will forward the case to Gakkumdu," he explained.