Judge PN Jaksel Grants Return Of Children's Laptops Jumhur Hidayat For School

JAKARTA - The south Jakarta District Court (PN) judge in Jakarta, granted the defendant's request for the spread of false news jumhur Hidayat who asked for his son's laptop to be returned for school purposes.

"There are three returned (prosecutors) based on a written determination (from the panel of judges), namely Acer's laptop (brand) belonging to his son Pak Jumhur, the second hard disk, the third computer CPU. All three were returned," said jumhur's legal team member, Oky Wiratama, when met after the hearing in PN South Jakarta quoted Antara, Monday, April 12.

The panel of judges before closing the hearing read out a letter of determination of the return of three electronic devices belonging to Jumhur that had been confiscated by prosecutors.

Chairman of the Panel of Judges Agus Widodo reminded that the return is borrowed so that the three units of electronic devices can not be transferred to other parties other than the owner.

After the judge read the letter of determination, Jumhur also expressed his gratitude to the panel of judges and public prosecutors (JPU).

"I would like to thank His Holiness (the panel of judges) and to the prosecutor," Jumhur said.

However, prosecutors did not bring the three electronic devices at trial. Therefore, Jumhur Hidayat through his legal team will take directly Jumhur's laptop, hard drive, and computer CPU to the South Jakarta State Prosecutor's Office on Tuesday morning.

"Plan tomorrow morning at 10:00," Oky said.

Jumhur at a hearing last week pleaded with the magistrate to allow his son's laptop seized by prosecutors to be returned before the hearing.

Because, the laptop is used by his son for school purposes considering that nowadays most of the learning is held virtually or remotely.

In connection with the request, the legal team, Thursday (8/4), submitted a letter of request to the panel of judges requesting the return of three units of electronic devices belonging to Jumhur.

When Jumhur delivered the plea verbally during a hearing on Monday last week, the panel of judges immediately asked about a possible return to prosecutors.

Prosecutors at the time said the laptop and two other electronic devices were no longer used for examination and trial so that they could be returned to the accused.

Jumhur Hidayat was charged by prosecutors with intentionally and without the right to spread false news that caused riots. Jumhur, according to prosecutors, spread the false news through his personal Twitter account.

Tag: pengadilan pn jaksel jumhur hidayat ujaran kebencian