Medan Mayor Calls Three Rivers Overflowing Due To Hydrometeorology

Medan Mayor Bobby Nasution said three rivers crossed five sub-districts in Medan City in an overflowing condition due to hydrometeorological disasters.

"There are approximately five (sub-districts). All of these sub-districts are close to the Deli River, Babura River, and Sunga Sei Belawan," Bobby said, in Medan, North Sumatra, Wednesday.

The five sub-districts, he continued, are Medan Johor, Medan Maimun, Medan Helvetia, West Medan, and Medan Sunggal.

His party ensured that hundreds of houses in five sub-districts were flooded and thousands of people were affected in the Medan City area.

"Currently, the Medan City BPBD (Regional Disaster Management Agency) team is collecting data and evacuating affected residents and others," said Bobby.

The mayor also said that this flood was caused by river water overflowing due to the high intensity of rain in the last few days.

"Indeed, the intensity of the rain that I conveyed in Medan City due to the upstream, in Deli Serdang there is, in Karo it is also all high intensity," he said.

His party has also instructed the relevant regional apparatus within the Medan City Government to focus on evacuating every flood-affected resident.

"After we evacuate, make sure the food is fulfilled first. Indeed, from this morning until this afternoon, we make sure the food is distributed properly," said Bobby.

The chairman of the General Election Commission (KPU) of Medan City, Mutia Atiqah, said that the intensity of the rain was quite high due to several local areas being flooded.

This condition, he continued, resulted in a number of Medan City residents who were included in the voter list still unable to give their voting rights at the polling station (TPS).

North Sumatra Provincial KPU data states that 110 polling stations will carry out follow-up voting, and six will vote further in the 2024 Pilkada.

"There are five polling stations in Medan to carry out further voting. The timing of the follow-up voting, and further voting will be informed further," explained Mutia.