Responding To The Results Of The Jakarta Pilkada Quick Count, Ridwan Kamil: If Two Rounds Say, We Will Continue To Be Enthusiastic
JAKARTA - Jakarta cagub and cawagub number 01, Ridwan Kamil-Suswono, responded to the results of the 2024 Pilkada quick count or quick count.
Ridwan Kamil said that if the Jakarta Pilkada took place in two rounds, his party would continue to be enthusiastic about undergoing the next process.
"We have gone through the Jakarta regional election process, yes, with extraordinary, exciting, tense. I think that is the beauty of democracy that we make a way for us to choose leaders, the way we are national and state," said Ridwan Kamil at the Sultan Hotel, Jakarta, Wednesday, November 27, 2024.
Ridwan Kamil said that until this afternoon there had been no 2024 Pilkada results that had crossed the figure above 50 percent. So, he also believes, the Jakarta Pilkada will take two rounds.
"Well, responding to the quick count results, yes, quick count, we observe that the majority of them have not reached one round or 50 percent, yes. Everything is in the margin of error, yes," he said.
Therefore, Ridwan Kamil expressed his gratitude to survey institutions that carried out official quick calculations to help the public find out in a short time the results of the general election, especially in Jakarta.
The former Governor of West Java also thanked the residents of Jakarta who had participated in the Jakarta gubernatorial election this time.
"Especially for Jakarta residents who entrust their aspirations and enthusiasm by choosing us at the TPS this morning," said Ridwan Kamil.
Nevertheless, Ridwan Kamil asked all Jakarta residents to wait for the results and official decision of the KPU in December 2024.
"Of course it will be a final and formal thing from the Jakarta KPUD. What I believe is that the calculation will be as it is, not reduced, not overestimated because we believe and thank the KPUD, Bawaslu, KPPS, all doing extraordinary work," said Ridwan Kamil.
"If it turns out to be two rounds, of course we will continue to be enthusiastic and committed to carrying out this second process honestly, with integrity so that those who are elected really have legitimacy in becoming leaders in Jakarta," he said again.
Monitoring from quick count or quick count of a number of survey institutions at around 15.30 to 15.50 WIB, Pramono-Rano's acquisition was temporarily superior in the Jakarta gubernatorial election.
Quick count Litbang Kompas noted that Pramono-Rano received 49.53 percent of the votes, Ridwan Kamil-Suswono 40.05 percent of the votes, and Dharma Pongrekun-Kun Wardana 10.42 percent. The vote came in at 77.75 percent.
The Indonesian Survey Institute (LSI) recorded the results of a quick count where Pramono-Rano received 49.64 percent of the votes, RK-Suswono 39.84 percent of the votes, and Dharma-Kun 10.52 percent of the votes. The total votes came in at 69.90 percent.
Quick count Charta Politica noted that Pramono-Rano received 49.73 percent of the votes, RK-Suswono 39.65 percent of the votes, and Dharma-Kun 10.62 percent of the votes. The total votes came in at 78.50 percent.
Then, the quick count of Indonesian Political Indicators noted that Pramono-Rano received 49.26 percent of the votes, RK-Suswono 40.25 percent of the votes, and Dharma-Kun 10.49 percent of the votes. The total votes came in at 68.75 percent.