TMII Taken Over Because It Continues To Lose, Our Hope Foundation Claims Never 'Nodong' To The State
JAKARTA - Yayasan Harapan Kita (YHK) ensures that it will accept with open arms the takeover of taman Mini Indonesia Indah (TMII) management by the state. That was after President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) signed Presidential Regulation (Perpres) Number 19 of 2021 on The Management of Taman Mini Indonesia Indah (TMII).
Secretary of Harapan Kita Foundation, Tria Sasangka Putra said that during its 44 years of operation, TMII never requested or submitted a budget to the state for management, but rather self-managed.
In managing TMII, Harapan Kita Foundation mentions that there is financial governance conducted through an autonomous audit process, including forming a management unit, human resources management, and maintenance. The audit process is also conducted by the Audit Board of Finance (BPK).
"In the implementation of the management of Taman Mini Indonesia Indah so far, Yayasan Harapan Kita as the recipient of the State's duties has never submitted or requested budget needs for the management of Taman Mini Indonesia Indah to the State/Government," he said in a written statement received by VOI, quoted Monday, April 12.
Tria admitted that not always the income obtained by the Managing Board of Taman Mini Indonesia Indah can meet the operational needs of Taman Mini Indonesia Indah.
"Budget needs that can not be fulfilled for the management, maintenance and preservation of Taman Mini Indonesia Indah, always borne by Yayasan Harapan Kita as a form of Contribution to the State, in accordance with the mandate of Presidential Decree No. 51 of 1977," he explained.
Thus, Tria asserted, Harapan Kita Foundation has never burdened and harmed the State's finances for the management, maintenance and preservation of Taman Mini Indonesia Indah.
Tria said the Harapan Kita Foundation is legawa and ready to be cooperative to complete the transition process. Following the issuance of Presidential Regulation No. 19 of 2021. However, he asked for the preservation of cultural values that have been built with various stakeholders for 44 mandatory years and must be ensured to be maintained and built in accordance with the mandate that has been carried out by Harapan Kita Foundation.
"As well as to ensure that there are forms of foreign influence that are not in accordance with Indonesian culture," he said.
In addition, the Harapan Kita Foundation expressed its readiness in conducting negotiations with the government in this case the Ministry of State Secretariat of the Republic of Indonesia to discuss the follow-up process of the management of Taman Mini Indonesia Indah in accordance with the mandate of Presidential Regulation No. 19 of 2021.
In the future, said Tria, Harapan Kita Foundation will always be ready to carry out assignments from the State in order to continue the vision of the mission that has been mandated by the First Lady Hj. Tien Soeharto as well as a devotion to the State
"Our hope, the Government's efforts to take over the management of Taman Mini Indonesia Indah from Harapan Kita Foundation, are expected not to interfere with various efforts to strengthen the nation's cultural resilience," he said.