The Opinion Of The Ambassador About His Son Who Became Known After Participating In The Stage With Sheila On 7

JAKARTA - Vocalist Sheila on 7 (So7), Duta is well aware of the consequences when allowing her eldest daughter, Aishameglio, to be involved in the stage and band recordings in the past year.
The Ambassador saw that there was no problem when young music lovers actually got to know Aisha, her son's nickname, as a background singer rather than herself as the main vocalist of So7.
"Yes, that's okay. If you can't (known) then you don't have to perform. That's the consequence," said the Ambassador when speaking at a press conference in Lebak Bulus, South Jakarta on Monday, November 25.
The 44-year-old singer has also reminded her that her involvement in So7 will be followed by various consequences that can make her uncomfortable.
"I also told Diaz you dare to accept this challenge, yes you want to try it, yes, there must be other consequences that follow that," said the vocalist.
"Yes, you have to be ready. At the very least, when people start a notice, there will definitely be a lot of daily life, something will change," he continued.
Furthermore, the Ambassador is of the opinion that Aisha already has her own burden when she is the daughter of a public figure. The same applies to children from other So7 personnel.
It's not easy to be Eros's son, be Adam's son, be the Ambassador's son. There is that label (the artist's son), he wants to stand alone, it's a show that people's views can't be divided, it's up to people to say what they want. What kind of ability does he have, until whenever people will 'Ah, he's the son of the Ambassador, ah he's Adam's son, ah he's Eross' son.' That's what he will continue to bring. So yes, he really has to be that strong," he said.