How The Baby Gender Calculator Works From The Chinese Pregnancy Calendar

YOGYAKARTA Baby sex Calculator or Chinese pregnancy calendar is used to detect the sex of the fetus in the womb.

This sex prediction calendar was found about 700 years ago in a Chinese royal grave.

The baby's sex calculator method basically involves the birth date of a prospective mother and the fertilization date into a special calendar, which turns that number into a lunar age when pregnant and a lunar conception date.

Chinese practitioners believe that Chinese pregnancy calendars can predict the sex of babies very well.

Even so, there is no scientific evidence to state that this method can accurately predict the sex of a baby.

Based on information compiled by VOI, the infant sex calculator or Chinese pregnancy calendar is based on I Ching or the Book of Change and depends on Yin and Yang, Five Elements and Eight Trigrams.

The method was created for the Qing dynasty's imperial family, which uses gender charts to contain boys, the successor to the family lineage.

The calendar is stored in Qing's palace by scholars and is not used to the public.

During the Boxers Insurgency at the end of the Qing Dynasty, the gender chart became one of the looted treasures that was later brought to England, translated and valued by the King at the time.

Bagan gender itu kemudian dibawa ke Austria oleh seorang profesor yang berasal dari China untuk dipelajari secara detail dan membawanya kembali ke tanah air.

The original copy of the Chinese pregnancy calendar at the Institute of Science in Beijing is currently a concern for the west and east.

The way the baby's darkning type calculator works is based on the age of the mother's lunar and the date of the conception.

If you don't know 'announce date', there are some special applications that can help you find out.

To predict the gender of a baby with a Chinese calculator calendar, follow the following steps:

Before using the baby's gender calculator, you must understand the fertile cycle and remember when the first day of menstruation was last.

In addition, this method also requires the age of mothers during conception or the first time they know they are pregnant.

Usually, conception occurs between 11-21 days, starting from the first day of the last period of menstruation. The longer the menstrual cycle, the further the conception date is.

For example, if you have a 28-day surplus, you tend to get pregnant around the 14th day. However, if the menstruation cycle is 40 days, pregnancy occurs around the 20th day.

Well, the way to use the baby's gender calculator chart is from the horizontal direction showing January to December. This is the month when conception or conception occurs.

Meanwhile, from the vertical direction, there is a figure of 18-45 years, which shows how old you are when there is a conception.

The table of the baby's gender calculator has colors that symbolize the gender of the baby boy and the girl. Blue for boys and pink for girls.

How to use it, you can pull vertical lines in the fertilization moon column and horizontal lines in the age column. When the two lines are drawn, you will see a meeting column showing the baby's gender.

That's information about the baby's gender calculator. Get news updates of other options only on VOI.ID.