DPR Encourages Improvement Of Teacher Welfare: So That No More Debts
JAKARTA - At the commemoration of National Teacher's Day (HGN) 2024, Deputy Speaker of the Indonesian House of Representatives Cucun Ahmad Syamsurijal emphasized the importance of the welfare of teachers in Indonesia. He encouraged the Government to prioritize this because teachers are the main pillar in the development of the nation.
"Happy Teacher's Day! We must emphasize that teachers are not just teachers, but also the main pillar in the development of the nation. Teachers' welfare should be a top priority, including honorary teachers," said Cucun, Monday, November 25.
Cucun explained that teachers are a fundamental element in creating a quality and sustainable education system in Indonesia.
"The welfare of teachers is not just a salary, but also how other basic rights can also be fulfilled so that teachers can also support their family life," said the legislator from the West Java II electoral district.
"The welfare of teachers includes their basic rights such as decent salaries, health insurance, supporting educational facilities, to old age guarantees for them," continued Cucun.
Cucun highlighted how many teacher welfare problems Indonesia is facing. The Institute for Democracy and Poverty Studies (Ideas) research institute revealed that 1 in 50 honorary teachers in Indonesia have income below 500 thousand and approximately 13 percent of teachers have income below 500 thousand.
The Ideals survey also showed 89 percent of teachers stated that their income was insufficient, and 79 percent of teachers claimed to have debts, and 58 percent had side jobs. Meanwhile, according to a survey conducted by NoLimit Indonesia in 2021, 42% of the people who were caught in illegal loans were teachers.
Cucun emphasized the DPR's commitment to improving teacher welfare through the functions and authorities of the council.
"We will fight for a bigger education budget in every discussion of the state budget and through our legislative and supervisory functions. It's just a matter of how the Government's commitment to translate it into programs to improve teacher welfare," he explained.
Cucun said that the welfare of teachers must be part of the national agenda in order to support the creation of superior Indonesian human resources (HR). As a national human resource printer, teachers need to get a share of more attention from the state.
Karena saat guru memiliki kesejahteraan yang baik, mereka dapat hidup dengan layak dan bahagia. Ketika guru tersukupi kebutuhannya, motivasi mereka dalam mendidik anak-anak juga akan tinggi sehingga kita bisa menghasilkan tuncul-bit be superior keharapan masa negara, sebut Cucun.
The chairman of the DPR, the coordinator of the community welfare sector (Kesra), also reminded the constitutional mandate of the State's task in ensuring education services and facilities. One of the efforts that the State can do, according to Cucun, is to ensure the welfare of teachers.
"Our hope is that teachers as education heroes can live properly. So that no more teachers are in debt, or teachers who have to work side by side as scavengers," he said.
As is known, some time ago it went viral on social media a teacher named Alvi who had a side job by collecting used goods. Teacher Alvi was forced to collect because her income as an honorary teacher for decades could not meet her daily needs.
Furthermore, Cucun reminded the importance of mentoring and training programs for teachers so that they can develop their professional abilities. Thus, his ability to educate students can continue to develop.
"We encourage the government to create periodic training that can provide teachers with the opportunity to continue to learn and adapt to changes in the world of education so that teachers can also respond with the progress of the times," said Cucun.
In the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) report initiated by the 2018 Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) it was stated that the majority of students in the OECD state had a growing mindset. The results of the quasilinears in their angket also stated that they disagreed or strongly disagreed with the statement One''s intelligence is something that cannot be changed'.
Meanwhile, in Indonesia, it is known that only 29% of children have growth mindsets. Most or as many as 71% still think that their intelligence cannot be changed. So in this case teachers need to provide learning methods and knowledge that is in accordance with what students need.
"Teachers who continue to study are teachers who can bring positive changes to students. We ask the government to cooperate with stakeholders in the education sector to support increasing teacher capacity," explained Cucun.
Cucun also encourages the Government to ensure that policies made related to education are really effective.
"The government and all elements of education must vote on every policy taken so that there are no obstacles to the nation's development process through the education of our younger generation," he said.
In line with the theme of HGN 2024 Great Teacher, Strong Indonesia', Cucun also hopes that all Indonesian teachers can become quality educators. Teachers are expected to work with integrity and high work ethic, and continue to uphold ethics in carrying out their duties.
"To the teacher, we can entrust the education and development of academics and children's character," said Cucun.
"In collaboration with parents, the government, the DPR and other related parties, I am sure that good teachers will produce intelligent and quality generations for the future of the nation," he concluded.