Happy Shopping! Government Responsibility Shipping Of Harbolnas Ramadan IDR500 Billion

JAKARTA - The government through Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs Airlangga Hartarto plans to hold a National Online Shopping Day Program at the end of the Ramadan period (Harbolnas Ramadan) this year.

"Preferably for domestic products, shipping (postage) borne by the government in the form of subsidies and shipping is prepared with a budget of IDR500 billion", he said in an official statement, Monday, April 12.

Earlier on Wednesday, April 7 after the cabinet session, Minister of Airlangga Hartarto had revealed that Harbolnas Ramadan will be held for 5 days, namely H-10 to H-6 before Eid al-Fitr. This activity itself collaborates with associations, digital platforms, MSMEs, local producers, and local logistics players to accelerate the national economic recovery.

"Thus the government hopes that in the atmosphere of Ramadan there will be an increase in consumption. Therefore we encourage that not homecoming but can send goods to the area. The government is responsible for the cost", said Minister Airlangga.

He further explained some things related to vaccination. It is said that the elderly have become a priority to immediately undergo the mass vaccination process.

"The pandemic is not over and I urge the public not to rashly consider the pandemic to be over", he said.

Although this national strategic program has been carried out, there are still vaccination targets to be achieved. Minister Airlangga said that President Joko Widodo stipulated in June or July 2021, the vaccination program should touch the number of 70 million recipients.

To achieve this target, the government said it had gained access to four different types of vaccines and sought that all vaccines could be delivered as planned.

"Until now the vaccination process is still in the schedule that is expected by the government", concluded Minister Airlangga Hartarto.