Hacking Increasingly Rampant, User Losses When Personal Data Stolen

JAKARTA - It is humans, not computers or technological devices, who threaten the security of personal data on devices. And computer predators seek victims for their own gain.

When you allow predators to access personal data, both PCs and smartphones, the threat doubles in just minutes.

Initially, only one device was infected. Over time, every connected device will also be accessible to hackers.

So, behind the time-consuming and labor-consuming hacker activity, what are the advantages they get? Approximately, what can hackers do with personal data stolen from your device?

The question should be important to know. So, you can be more careful and keep your data safe. To that end, the VOI team has already gathered some information that you should know.

How Do Hackers Find Victims' Devices?

Basically, hacking victims can be anyone. Regardless of background or social status. To be sure, anyone using a computer or computing device and connected to the internet will be vulnerable to cyberattacks.

Typically, hackers run certain data theft techniques. Like phishing, sending links or files containing malware, and more. Also, if your device isn't protected by anti-virus apps, hackers will usually try to break into security directly.

- https://voi.id/teknologi/43646/teknik-pencurian-data-yang-digunakan-i-hacker-i-dan-cara-melindungi-diri-dari-peretasan

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What Can Hackers Do with Stolen Data?

When your device is connected to the Internet, malware that has been installed by hackers on the device will automatically run. The malware will send someone's personal data to the server that has been set up.

Meanwhile, the personal data sent is also diverse. Whether personal data such as name, contact, or email. Up to financial data such as transaction data. Armed with these data, hackers can also do more things that are certainly detrimental to victims. Examples include:

1.Change your device's usernames and keywords so that they can be retrieved by hackers.

2.Steal money and unlock credit cards and bank accounts using name data.

3. Make purchases with the victim's credit card.

4.Using and abusing the victim's identity number,

5.Selling victim data to others who could be exploiting it for legal interests

Tips to Protect Your Device from Hackers

Now, hacking is becoming more and more common. On hacker forums, we can easily find personal data from certain platforms that are sold freely.

Therefore, it is important to start awareness to keep data safe. Quoting Business Insider, there are a few steps you can take. Among others:

Change the password of social media and financial services periodically, Use the password management app, Set a two-factor authentication method. Turn off the ad tracking feature of certain apps. Subscribe to a paid VPN. Keep an eye on your financial transaction data.