To Fulfill Stock, Dpr Supports Every Government Effort To Get Vaccines

JAKARTA - Chairman of Commission IX of the House of Representatives, Felly Estelita, stated that his party will support every government policy in order to obtain the COVID-19 vaccine. Considering, the national vaccine supply is running low in line with the importance of vaccination to suppress positive cases of COVID-19.

"Dpr supports every government policy in obtaining vaccines in accordance with existing regulations," Felly said in Jakarta, Monday, April 12.

Earlier, Health Minister Budi Gunadi Sadikin, said the government is carrying out various efforts to maintain the supply of vaccines in a working meeting with Commission IX of the House of Representatives, Friday, April 9. As such, negotiations with the Global Alliance for Vaccine and Immunization (GAVI) as well as AstraZeneca.

The Government of Indonesia requested that GAVI and AstraZeneca fulfill their commitment to the provision of vaccines. Specifically related to AstraZeneca, the government has conducted high-level talks at the bilateral level.

Another step is the government to encourage the procurement of vaccines gotong-royong. Procurement for the gotong-royong vaccine has now received commitments from Sputnik (Russia), Cansino, and Sinopharm.

In addition, President Joko Widodo at the D-8 summit also invited leaders of other countries to reject vaccine nationalism. According to him, vaccines are public goods so there should be no restrictions on production and distribution.

Felly said that affirming the president's stance in the world forum is important to note. According to him, there are several things that the government should do to prevent shortages of vaccine stocks due to the embargo from the producer countries.

"First, continue to put forward the implementation of strict health protocols," he said.

Second, he continued, the government must make adjustments to vaccine recipients to be completely on target. In particular, people at high risk, such as the elderly and educators.

"Then, the government is time to provide opportunities as wide and wide as possible for the development of vaccines in the country," explained Felly.

Nasdem's politicians see that the government is already trying to meet the needs of the COVID-19 vaccine stock. In fact, he said, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Ministry of Health has made diplomatic efforts in meeting the needs of vaccine stocks.

"In the fulfillment of vaccine stocks have been conducted diplomatic efforts by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Ministry of Health to be able to open opportunities for cooperation with vaccine candidate companies," said Felly Estelita Runtuwene.