PTPP Wins Award At BUMN Award 2021, Handed Over Directly By Tanri Abeng

JAKARTA - State-owned construction company, PT PP (Persero) Tbk (PTPP) once again won an award in the BUMN Award 2021. The event is an appreciation of the contribution of state-owned enterprises (SOEs) that still have superior gait during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Held at Ritz Carlton Hotel Mega Kuningan Jakarta, Thursday, April 8, 2021, the event was attended directly by Novel Arsyad as President Director of PTPP. In the award night, PTPP managed to obtain two categories of awards, namely the Category of State-Owned Enterprises & Public Subsidiaries "Best Innovation and Technology I" and the Category of CEO of BUMN &Anak Perusahaan Terbuka "BEST CEO Talent Development".

The award was received directly by Novel Arsyad and handed over directly by Tanri Abeng as the Chairman of the Jury Team of the BUMN Award 2021. Bumn Award 2020 was organized by BUMN Track Magazine in collaboration with PPM Management where the event is an award event entering its 10th year.

Bumn Award 2021 was held again to appreciate the contribution of SOEs that have shown superior performance and are able to compete at the national and global level. This year, Anugerah BUMN carries the theme "Strategy and Transformation in the Pandemic Period" where the event to appreciate the contribution of SOEs that have shown the work of transformation and superior strategies to survive in the pandemic.

Supported by a research team from PPM Management, the assessment process of anugerah BUMN 2021 which in the early stages was followed by 122 state-owned companies and BUMN Subsidiaries narrowed to 89 companies that passed the interview and corporate presentation stage before the jury.

Judging continued in the third stage, namely: ceo presentation where the stage is also the final stage in the event. The Jury chaired by Tanri Abeng and consisting of various professions makes this event has a proven weight and integrity, professional transparent and competitive. The judging result is divided into three categories of winners, namely BUMN Non Tbk, BUMN Non Tbk subsidiaries and BUMN Tbk companies.

In the award category, PTPP was included in the category of BUMN Tbk. This year, the judging was held virtually because of the COVID-19 pandemic that hit Indonesia since 2020.

"We hope that with the achievement of the BUMN Award 2021, it can motivate the company to rise in the national economic recovery and jointly carry out the vision of a superior, synergistic, and sustainable company in southeast Asia. This award is a challenge for the company to be able to continuously improve the company's performance," said Novel Arsyad.