KPK Must Evaluate Surveillance System After Gold 1.9 Kg Stolen

JAKARTA - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) must evaluate the security system after its employees stole 1.9 kg of gold evident.

"This event is certainly an evaluation for the KPK although equally, we know that the entire work process in the KPK has been built very well," said Vice Chairman of Commission III House of Representatives of Republic of Indonesia, Pangeran Khairul Saleh, as reported by Antara, Sunday, April 11.

According to him, there is always room for improvement to strengthen the supervisory side of the operational system of work.

"Of course, what is done by KPK employees has tarnished the reputation of KPK itself. Because we know the employee who stole the evidence is a member of the task force assigned to store and manage evidence at the Directorate of Evidence Management and Execution of KPK," he said.

He also appreciated the KPK that has openly presented this issue to the public, so that this issue can be used as a learning for other KPK employees so as not to mess with confiscated goods that are then used for personal benefit.

"KPK has also expressly processed all ethical violations. This shows that the KPK maintains its integrity as a form of effort to maintain the trust and expectations of the Indonesian people to the KPK," said Khairul Saleh.

It is also certainly a proof to the People of Indonesia that KPK not only processes corruption cases but also processes the perpetrators of corruption in the internal of KPK, he said.

Previously, KPK disrespectfully dismissed an employee with the initials IGAS because he was proven to steal 1,900 grams of gold which is a booty from corruption cases.

"Therefore, the Tribunal decided that the concerned should be sentenced to a severe relationship, namely dismissing the concerned disrespectfully," said chairman of the KPK Supervisory Board, Tumpak Panggabean, at the KPK Jakarta Anticorruption Education Center Building, Thursday (8/4).

He explained, the evidence is quite a lot, there are four if totaled all in the form of gold bars weighing 1,900 grams.