Chaos At The Graha Cempaka Mas Apartment Swallowed A Loss Of IDR 40 Billion, Residents Report To The Acting Governor Of Teguh
JAKARTA - A number of residents of the Graha Cempaka Mas apartment in Kemayoran made a complaint over the commotion at their residence, to the public complaint post at the DKI Jakarta City Hall. Residents are restless because the commotion has been going on since 2013 and have not encountered a common thread.
Supervisory of the Association of Flats Occupants (PPRS), Graha Cempaka Mas Apartment, Dwi Lies said, this polemic stems from a lawsuit by a group of residents against PPRS which is considered no longer a strong legal basis.
Because, in 2011, there was a new rule of law on Flats which also changed the nomenclature of PPRS to the Association of Owners and Occupants of Flats (P3SRS).
The group of residents complained about this issue to the Provincial Government (Pemprov) of DKI Jakarta. At that time, Governor Anies Baswedan issued the Governor's Decree on the revocation of the Decree (SK) for the determination of the Graha Cempaka Mas Apartment PPRS.
Not accepting the decision, Lies and other residents took this issue to court. Until finally the court's cassation level of the State Administrative Court (PTUN) appointed PPRS for Hery Wijaya's camp as a valid administrator.
Meanwhile, the rival PPRS led by Tonny Soenanto was considered invalid.
Then today, Lies said that in the complaint submitted, his party requested that the Acting Governor of DKI Jakarta, Teguh Setyabudi, revoke the governor's decision regarding the revocation of the Graha Cempaka Mas Apartment PPRS made by Anies Baswedan.
"We have received the cassation decision from the state administration, which inkrah which has permanent strength for the Acting Governor to revoke the Decree of Mr. Anies Baswedan which revoked our deed of establishment," said Lies, Tuesday, November 19.
Lies also asked Teguh to immediately order the DKI Jakarta Public Housing and Settlement Areas (PRKP) to facilitate the formation of the Deliberative Committee (Panmus) for the election of the Chairperson of P3SRS.
"Today we were also present to ask the Acting Governor to order the Housing Service to facilitate us to resolve the current law and ask to facilitate us to conduct a deliberation or committee," he said.
"So we can manage this Graha Cempaka Mas better," added Lies.
Due to this confusion, Lies admitted that his party suffered a number of losses, especially material up to Rp40 billion.
Because according to him, the group established a rival PPRS and participated in attracting cheaper Environmental Management Contributions (IPL).
He said there were hundreds of residents who paid IPL to the rival PPRS. In fact, the funds deposited by residents have never been used to pay for various needs such as electricity and water because they do not have the authority.
"Meanwhile, the electricity is in the name of one, so we legitimate PPRS have to pay 200 people who don't pay for electricity, but pay them. Meanwhile, the money was brought with them," he said.
As a result, Lies said that PPRS must cover residents' IPL contributions for nine years with funds from the Sinking Fund budget.
"Approximately Rp40 billion for nine years, and that is quite large money for residents, to maintain buildings, the security of residents, so that at this point we really need the money," he said.