Farmers Appreciate The Simplification Policy Of Subsidized Fertilizer Distribution

JAKARTA - Contacts of Mainstay Fisherman Farmers (KTNA) appreciate the government's move to plan to simplify the distribution of subsidized fertilizers.
The simplification plan was announced by the Coordinating Minister for Food Affairs, Zulkifli Hasan, together with Agriculture Minister Amran Sulaiman on Tuesday, November 12, 2024.
This policy is considered an important breakthrough in accelerating the distribution of fertilizers to farmers and reducing bureaucratic problems that have been complained about. With more efficient distribution, farmers are optimistic that agricultural productivity will increase, supporting the government's efforts to achieve food self-sufficiency.
"I think this is good news for farmers throughout Indonesia, because later they will get subsidy fertilizer quickly and easily without having to go through a convoluted bureaucracy," said the Head of the National Mainstay Farmers and Fishermen's Contact (KTNA) M Yadi Sofyan Noor as reported by ANTARA, Monday, November 18.
Yadi explained that previously there were many regulations governing the distribution of fertilizers, including 41 laws, 23 Government Regulations (PP), and six Presidential Regulations (Perpres) and Presidential Instructions (Inpres).
With this new policy, the distribution process will be simpler. Data from the Ministry of Agriculture will be forwarded directly to Pupuk Indonesia Holding Company (PIHC) to distribute subsidy fertilizers to the Farmer Group Association (Gapoktan), which then distributes them directly to fostered farmers in the regions.
As a first step, farmers have filled out the Definitive Plan for Electronic Group Needs (E-RDKK) and completed it on November 15. This system is the main reference to ensure subsidy fertilizers are distributed right on target through Gapoktan.
In addition, this is expected to be able to accelerate farmers' access to subsidized fertilizers, thus supporting the smooth planting season in early 2025.
The benefits are clear, fertilizers can be received by farmers more quickly. When planting, fertilizers are available so that plant productivity can be optimized, "added Yadi. He is also optimistic that the ease of access to subsidized fertilizers will be a positive indicator towards food self-sufficiency in the near future.
Yadi emphasized the importance of strict supervision from the government in the implementation of this fertilizer distribution.
The important support from the government is strict supervision of distribution. Since the process is very short and fast, supervision is needed to ensure that everything goes according to plan," he suggested.
In addition to strict supervision to ensure the distribution of fertilizers goes according to plan, Yadi sees this policy as a milestone in supporting the needs of farmers directly.
This step is progress for food security and also the welfare of farmers in the future. I am optimistic that Indonesia will achieve self-sufficiency in the near future. The indicator is the ease of access to subsidized fertilizers for farmers," said Yadi.
Previously, the Coordinating Minister for Food Affairs, Zulkifli Hasan and the Minister of Agriculture, Andi Amran Sulaiman announced strategic steps to overcome obstacles in the distribution of subsidized fertilizers, Tuesday, November 12, 2024.
A bureaucracy that is too long, involving at least eight ministries, is a major obstacle in the distribution of subsidized fertilizers so far. With a new system, the distribution flow will be simpler and more efficient," said Coordinating Minister for Food Affairs, Zulkifli Hasan.
This policy is expected to accelerate the distribution of subsidized fertilizer directly to farmers, minimize administrative constraints and support national agricultural productivity.