Reflecting On The Past, DPD Asks Jokowi To Reconsider The Smelting Of Kemenristek-Kemendikbud

JAKARTA - Vice Chairman of DPD Sultan B Najamudin suggested the government reconsider the smelting of the Ministry of Research and Technology (Kemenristek) into the Ministry of Education and Culture (Kemendikbud). According to him, the merger will weaken the function of both institutions.

"We have experience in the past towards the merger of the two ministries and the results are not effective and maximal. In the end, the ristek function was returned to the Ministry of Technology and the educational function was also returned to the Ministry of Dikbud," Sultan told reporters on Saturday, April 10.

Supposedly, continued sultan, Jokowi's government strengthens the two institutions by standing alone instead of uniting. Because, research and innovation are the keywords in the progress of a country.

"Then we must read the consequences effectively, should not only be judged in terms of efficiency alone. Because the two institutions (interests) that are united have an impact. Whether they become stronger, or cannibals make only one function work, they may even become weak. Now the government must really understand the consequences," said Sultan.

The senator from Bengkulu said that developed countries are very focused on research and technology. In fact, sultan said, the resulting policy must also be based on research data that must be accounted for scientifically.

"Currently how many policies have a scientific basis of the process of a research. Or vice versa, how much research is done and has an impact on the advancement of science and technology that will further affect the way of view and way of life of humans?," sindir Sultan.

According to him, to become an innovative nation that mastered science and technology only through the increase of national research capacity that includes the quantity and quality of science and technology resources.

"Increasing relevance and productivity of research as well as the role of stakeholders in research activities, and increasing research contributions to the life sector, including in the recovery of national economic growth under pandemic pressures as it is today," he continued.

Therefore, according to him, the Ministry of Dikbud and Ristek are two very fundamental focuses in building the lives of future Generations of Indonesia.

"So I hope that the unification of these two ministries does not change the direction of our ideals so that Indonesia can be better," concluded sultan.

Known, the merger of the 2 ministries has been approved by the House of Representatives after obtaining Presidential Letter No. R-14/Pres/03/2021 concerning Consideration of Ministry Change. In addition to the merger of ministries, the letter also proposes the establishment of the Ministry of Investment.

Tag: joko widodo nasional dpd ri kementerian pendidikan dan kebudayaan