IPO Survey: Prabowo Subianto The Most Popular Minister Followed By Tito Karnavian

JAKARRTA - Defense Minister Prabowo Subianto was named as the most popular minister of public choice, based on the Indonesia Political Opinion (IPO) survey.

"If popularity, the most popular is Prabowo Subianto, as much as 56 percent," said IPO Executive Director Dedi Kurnia Syah in a virtual discussion titled Cabinet Evaluation and Political Map 2024', Saturday, April 10.

The popularity assessment is based on Prabowo's program and career during his time as a minister of the Jokowi government. Factors that affect, namely authority, media coverage, down directly to the community, and so forth.

"When it comes to ministers (popularity), it's a total career in the ministry," he said.

Following Prabowo's popularity, there were a number of other ministers' names that were well known to the public. Like former Police Chief Tito Karnavian who is now minister of trade with 43 percent;  Menparekraf Sandiaga Uno 39 percent; Mahfud MD as Minister of Polhukam 30 percent; and Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani 29.5 percent.

The IPO also noted which ministries were the most popular. Topping the 'standings' was Kemensos with 73.1 percent; then the Ministry of Trade with 64.8 percent; 58.2 percent; Ministry of Finance with 41.6 percent; and the Ministry of PUPR with 37 percent; followed by other ministries.

"The level of knowledge of respondents to the performance of the ministry, the most popular Kemensos. It's popularity yes, not considered the best. Most famous so yes," said Dedi.

The IPO survey involved 1,200 respondents spread across various regions with multistage random sampling method on March 10-22, 2021.

Tag: nasional politik prabowo subianto tito karnavian survei politik