PLN Ensures That The Funding Collaboration Will Be Expanded To Realize The 75 GW Target Of EBT Generation

PT PLN (Persero) confirmed that it will oversee the target of increasing the installed capacity of EBT to 75 Gigawatts (GW) in the next 15 years launched by the government.
To realize this, PLN invites all parties to collaborate in providing green funding to build sustainable clean energy plants in order to reduce carbon emissions.
PLN's Director of System Transmission and Planning, Evy Haryadi, emphasized that achieving the new and renewable energy targets (EBT) requires significant investment and synergy from various stakeholders.
"We are preparing a number of plans to decarbonize in line with the net zero emissions target by 2060. One of them is with a plan to build a 70,000-kilometer transmission network that will distribute green electricity to the demand center, but this process takes a long time. Therefore, financial support from various parties is very much needed," said Evy, quoted Monday, November 18.
Evy emphasized that funding from the private sector and international institutions can be one of the main solutions to meet this large investment requirement. Collaboration through green funding schemes, such as Green Bond and sustainable loans, is considered crucial to accelerate the development of EBT infrastructure in Indonesia.
In addition, Evy also explained that although Indonesia is rich in EBT resources, geographical challenges are an inhibiting factor. Many EBT resources are located on remote islands, while energy demand centers are in urban areas.
"We face unique challenges as our country consists of many islands. Some islands have resources but no electricity demand, while other islands have demand but limited resources. That's why we need interconnection between islands and the construction of a long transmission network," Evy continued.
Evy also emphasized the importance of stable regulatory support and strategic partnerships to ensure smooth energy transition in Indonesia.
"We invite all parties, both the private sector, financial institutions, and the government, to collaborate to achieve this goal. Green funding and strong partnerships will be the key to the success of the energy transition in Indonesia," said Evy.