Procurement Of Bansos COVID-19 Delivers West Bandung Regent Aa Umbara And Her Son To Rutan KPK

JAKARTA - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) detained West Bandung Regent Aa Umbara Sutisna and her son, Andri Wibawa. Both became new residents of Rutan KPK, after being designated as suspects of alleged corruption in the procurement of emergency response goods for the COVID-19 pandemic disaster at the Social Service of West Bandung Regency in 2020.

"we will convey information related to the detention of suspects AUS (Aa Umbara Sutisna) West Bandung Regent period 2018-2023 and suspect AW (Andri Wibawa)," said Vice Chairman of KPK Nurul Ghufron as aired on the YouTube account KPK RI, Friday, April 9.

The two will be detained for the next 20 days from April 9 to April 28. Aa Umbara Sutisna was detained in Rutan KPK Red And White House Branch while Andri Wibawa was detained in Rutan Kavling C1.

However, both will first run self-isolation in Rutan KPK Kavling C1. This is done to prevent the transmission of COVID-19 among the detained corruptors.

In addition to detaining the two, on Thursday, April 1, has made arrests against businessman M Totoh Gunawan. Aa Umbara and her son, meanwhile, were not detained because she was ill.

What is Aa Umbara's wealth?

Based on the State Operator's Wealth Report (LHKPN) which he reported on March 30, 2020, he is recorded as having assets worth Rp21,906,562,646 but also has a debt of Rp169,400,000.

He is recorded to have 16 plots of land in West Bandung Regency worth Rp20,805,000,000. Aa Umbara is also recorded as having transportation equipment and machinery worth Rp452 million.

There are a number of vehicles that he owns ranging from honda scoopy motorcycle year 2016, Yamaha X-Ride Year 2016, Honda CBR Year 2015, Honda Beat Pop Year 2016. While the car, Aa Umbara is recorded to have Kia Picanto Year 2013, Daihatsu Terios Year 2010, and Toyota Sienta Year 2017.

Next, he was also recorded as having other moving assets worth Rp230 million as well as cash and cash equivalents with a value of Rp419,562,646.

Enter rutan due to COVID-19 bansos

On the determination of the suspect last Thursday, April 1, kpk has explained the construction of the case in this case. Kpk Vice Chairman Alexander Marwata said the alleged corruption began in March 2020 when the COVID-19 pandemic began to occur.

At that time, West Bandung Regency budgeted funds for pandemic response by refocusing the budget of apbd year 2020 on unexpected expenditures (BTT).

Furthermore, within a month, there was allegedly a special meeting between Aa Umbara and Totoh. In this meeting Totoh discussed his desire and ability to be a provider of food packages in West Bandung Dinsos.

Through the meeting, it was agreed to give a commitment fee of 6 percent of the value of the project.

"To realize the wishes of MTG, then AUS ordered the Social Cadres and Head of UKPBJ West Bandung Regency to choose and establish MTG as one of the providers of procurement of food packages to the Social Service," said Alex.

Then, the meeting again took place in May 2020. At that time Aa Umbara's son, Andri Wibawa found the father to monta involved as a provider of procurement bansos COVID-19. This request was then immediately approved.

After that, from April to August, the distribution of food bansos in West Bandung Regency with two types of packages, namely social safety net bansos and large-scale social restriction bansos assistance (PSBB) as many as 10 times. "The total realization of the budget is worth Rp52.1 billion," said Alex.

Aa Umbara's son, Andri who at that time used the flag of CV Jayakusuma Cipta Mandiri and CV Satria Jakatamilung got a work package with a value of Rp36 billion. Meanwhile, Totoh got a work package worth Rp15.8 billion.

"From the procurement activities AUS is alleged to have received money amounting to Rp1 billion. While MTG allegedly received a profit of around Rp2 billion and AW received a profit of around Rp2.7 billion," explained Alex.

For his actions, Aa Umbara was then suspected of violating Article 12 letter i and or Article 15 and Article 12B of Law No. 31 of 1999 concerning the Eradication of Corruption Crimes as amended by Law No. 20 of 2001 concerning Amendments to Law No. 31 of 1999 concerning the Eradication of Corruption Crimes jo Article 55 paragraph (1) 1 jo Article 56

Meanwhile, Andri and Totoh are suspected of violating Article 12 letter i and or Article 15 of Law No. 31 of 1999 concerning the Eradication of Corruption Crimes as amended by Law No. 20 of 2001 concerning Amendments to Law No. 31 of 1999 concerning the Eradication of Corruption Crimes jo article 55 paragraph (1) 1 jo article 56 of the Criminal Code.

Tag: korupsi kpk aa umbara korupsi dana bansos