Udayana Student Enthusiasm Welcomes Financial Literacy Event

Infobank Digital is again holding financial literacy activities. Infobank Financial & Digital Literacy Road Show 2024 this time was held at the Udayana University campus, Denpasar, Bali, this Saturday, November 16, 2024.

This activity is supported by PT Sucorinvest Asset Management, PT Asuransi Tri Pakarta, and PT Bank Pembangunan Daerah Bali. Also, working with the Student Executive Board (BEM) of Udayana University as a series of "Udayana Market Town 2024".

In his remarks, I Ketut Untung Gunawan, Deputy Chair of Committee II from BEM Udayana University, said that this time Udayana market town 2024 activities collaborated with Infobank Digital by holding literacy activities with the theme "Gen Z Melek Keuangan, Future Safe and Get Money".

Meanwhile, I Wayan Tresna Suwardiana, Chair of BEM Udayana University, said that this activity is important for Gen Z or students. They must have good financial knowledge and understanding. Given the very fast development of technology and information.

"Kita mengetahui persoalan Gen Z yang terjebak dengan utang di pinjaman online dan terjadi dalam investasi yang tidak diketahuinya tingkat risikonya dengan baik, bahkan ada juga yang tertipung dengan investasi bodong. Kami sangat berterima kasih kepada berbagai pihak yang telah bekerja sama yang menggelar kegiatan ini," jelas Wayan.

Next, Apriyani Kurniasih, Director of Infobank Digital in her speech said, Infobank was very happy with this activity, and thanked the supporters of the participating financial services institutions, namely PT Sucorinvest Asset Management, PT Asuransi Tri Pakarta, and PT Bank Pembangunan Daerah Bali

Currently, technological and digital developments make access to financial products and services for Gen Z easier. However, the increasing ease of access and financial inclusion does not necessarily make the level of understanding of financial products or literacy easy to increase. Due to this gap, Infobank Digital conducts literacy activities regularly and is one of Infobank's priority programs.

"We already know quite a lot of Gen Z who are trapped in debt in online loans. It is hoped that with this financial literacy, students will have better lives in the future. Moreover, these students or Gen Z are critical economic players in the future, and have a big impact on the progress of the nation," explained Apriyani, through the official agreement received, Saturday, November 16.

Furthermore, Bima Kumara Dwi Atmaja, Secretary of the Center for Creativity and Student Achievements at Udayana University, said that we thank all parties who have collaborated in this activity. This financial literacy event is very good. Through this activity, Gen Z, in this case, students can gain insight regarding financial management and financial products and services.

"The amount of money in online gambling is proof of the lack of financial literacy levels. With this literacy talk show, it is hoped that students can manage finances well and are not easily tempted by the lure of high margins or interest, or get easy money by playing online gambling," explained the Secretary.

In a talk show, Bryan Soetopo, Investment Specialist of PT Sucorinvest Asset Management said, through this activity students can learn investment properly and appropriately. Although currently most students do not have a salary and income.

Why investment? Because there is inflation and there is time value of money. Students certainly have dreams, and of course different. From the existing experience, including me, young people, if they get priority income, are spending instead of investing. With this literacy, it is hoped that students can get an understanding of financial management and priority needs early. Then, with good management, they can have the opportunity to invest from an early age.

Then, with insight related to investment, students can find out what investment products are, from low to high risk. The choice of investment products will be adjusted to the risk profile of each student. Well, for students or young people whose investment understanding is still minimal, mutual funds can be an option because they are managed by professional investment managers.

Another speaker, Juniar Firdaus Imran, Department Head of Product Development of PT Asuransi Tri Pakarta conveyed the introduction of students to insurance. He conveyed about the importance of risk mitigation and protection.

These types of risks include, ranging from large and low, or what can be accepted, reduced, or avoided. Likewise the frequency and impact. Each risk and impact can be mitigated. Risk can be reduced by transferring it to an insurance company. That is the role of the insurance company. The goal of insurance is cost efficiency, supporting financial planning, and having a sense of security.

"Through this activity, students can understand what insurance is and the importance of insurance. In the future, they can design a better future," said Juniar.