Why Is The Budget Of Rp800 Million Sudirman Bicycle Monument Not Used For Other Needs? Wagub DKI: Could Be A Selfie Spot

JAKARTA - The construction of a monument or inscription themed on the use of bicycles on Jalan Jenderal Sudirman was criticized for costing Rp800 million in its manufacture. The Provincial Government of Dki Jakarta is considered to have other needs that are more important than building inscriptions during the pandemic.

However, Deputy Governor of DKI Jakarta Ahmad Riza Patria said his party must also give appreciation to artists to produce works. In addition, the inscription will beautify the icon of the Capital.

"We have to respect fine art artists. Of course, it will be good, beautiful, interesting, and become an icon in Jakarta, becoming a selfie place for millennial friends," Riza said at Balai Kota DKI, Central Jakarta, Friday, 9 Apri.

Riza claimed, the making of inscriptions and the cost of expenditure has been reviewed by consultants. The price issued has also met certain conditions. After all, he said, other needs in the dki provincial government program have had their own budget allocation.

"All of them have allocations. Education, social, health, sports, religion, all allocated. Of course the allocation is very proportional," said Riza.

Moreover, the budget of Rp800 million is also not sourced from the DKI Budget, but from private parties with a building floor coefficient scheme (KLB).

In total, the klb fund amounted to Rp28 billion. The scope, in addition to the construction of inscriptions, is also used for the construction of a permanent bike path along 11.2 kilometers in Sudirman-Thamrin.

"We pay attention to where the source of funding is from. It funds more or less than the KLB, a third party. Not from apbd. Participation from the private sector and we allocate in accordance with the provisions," he said.

Previously, Member of Commission B of DPRD DKI Gilbert Simanjuntak claimed to be surprised at the construction of inscriptions or bicycle monuments in Sudirman. According to him, the inscription was actually built in honor of a person or legendary event.

"What's legendary about bicycles? I see the provincial government does not understand that there is a scale of priority in spending and policy. It would damage a city if it was led in these ways, because of the interests of a group, then made a monument on the main road," Gilbert said.