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JAKARTA - The Public Prosecutor of the High Prosecutor of West Nusa Tenggara (Kejati NTB) is re-preparing charges related to money laundering (TPPU) in the case of investment stock fraud for tourist areas amounting to Rp18 billion.

NTB Kejati Spokesman Dedi Irawan said his indictment is now being prepared, after a copy of the interim ruling stating the JPU's indictment against defendant H Zaenudin was null and void at the end of last week.

"So we will resub file the indictment. Now the team is putting it together," said Dedi in Mataram, reported by Antara, Friday, April 9.

In its interim ruling, the Mataram District Court Judge Panel accepted the defendant's memorandum of objection or exception and declared the prosecutor's indictment null and void. In the interim ruling, the judge ordered that the accused be released from custody immediately.

In relation to the exception of this defendant, Mataram District Court Spokesman Theodora explained that the judge's decision was related to the terms of the formil attached by JPU in his indictment.

'It's just a formality of the indictment. The allegations are incomplete," Theodora said.

But the JPU said it still had a chance to resubst come up with a new indictment.

"In the event of an interim verdict, the public prosecutor can resubject his indictment, because the interim verdict is only about the formil of his indictment," he said.

Defendant H Zaenudin was previously charged with disguising the proceeds of investment stock fraud for tourist areas amounting to Rp18 billion. The money was used to buy his personal assets in the form of land, four-wheeled vehicles, houses, and party activities.

Initially H Zaenudin offered the sale of land in 2011 to Andre Setiady Karyadi, the reporting party. Then came an agreement worth Rp45.39 billion, according to a written agreement on February 12, 2014.

The whistleblower who is a "nominee" (loan name) from an American funder named Steven then agreed to a price of Rp18.39 billion.

The initial deposit of Rp16.7 billion was then sent by Andre to Zaenudin. The remaining Rp1.69 billion will be repaid after all land certificates are reversed. As a result, only three certificate of title (SHM) were successful behind the name.

There is a problem for 4 hectares of land in Pandanan, West Lombok Regency which is known to still belong to PT GWS covering an area of 5.5 hectares. Pt GWS's land ownership plang was previously revoked by the defendant to convince Andre.

However, H Zen continued to evade when asked for the land certificate. In fact the land did belong to someone else, so Andre asked for the cancellation of the sale and purchase agreement. Andre also asked for a refund of the payment submitted earlier.

However, the defendant was unable to return the money because it had run out of land to buy. H Zen then offered a replacement of 4 hectares of land. The land was later revealed not to belong to the accused, but to others.