How To Increase Body High At The Age Of 14, Do These Things
YOGYAKARTA - The ideal height is certainly a dream for everyone. Therefore, it is not surprising that many people are looking for ways to raise their bodies quickly and easily. In this article, it will be discussed how to increase height at the age of 14.
Check out the full review below.
There are several ways to move your body up quickly and effectively that you can do at home, including:
In one day, children have to meet their sleep needs. Lack of sleep is believed to be able to interfere with children's high growth. Although not directly related, sleep-deficient conditions will affect the body in producing hormones that trigger height growth.
Launching from the Journal ofTICal Food under the title Mechanism for the Increase in Human Growth Hormone with Administration of a Novel Test Supplement and Results Indicated Physical Fitness and Sleep Efficiency, sleep deficiency will reduce human growth hormone (hGH) production. hGH is a hormone that can optimize the high growth of children produced by the hypophysics gland.
The unique thing is, this hormone will be produced optimally in the body at night. So, make sure the child does not sleep too late so that this hormone production can run optimally.
The recommended duration of sleep for various age groups include:
The way to raise the body quickly is to provide balanced nutritious food children. Especially foods rich in calcium and vitamin D. Because, both calcium and vitamin D, both are very good for health and bone growth.
You can get vitamin D intake from tuna, salmon, formification milk, and egg yolk. However, if the child does not get enough vitamin D in the food, you should consult a doctor about taking supplements to meet daily needs.
Meanwhile, to receive all the nutrients the body needs, the food consumed by children must include the following:
In addition, children must limit or avoid food with the following content:
If you have a basic medical condition or an old age, your height can decrease and affect bone density. Therefore, consider increasing calcium intake.
Many experts advise women over the age of 50 and men over the age of 70 consume 1,2000 milligrams (mg) of calcium per day.
As a person's age grows, a person's posture has the potential to bend further. This condition will make a person look shorter. Over time, a bent body can affect the true height.
What you need to know, your back must bend naturally in three places. If the body bends regularly, the curve can shift to accommodate a new posture. This will cause pain in the neck and back.
Therefore, it is important to pay attention to the way children stand, sit, and sleep. Consult with doctors how to improve a good posture. Doctors will recommend a way of practicing which they designed to improve their child's posture.
The use of supplements to increase height may only be suitable in several cases. For example, if a child experiences conditions that affect the production of human growth hormones (HGH), doctors can recommend supplements containing synthetic HGH.
In addition, to reduce the risk of osteoporosis, older adults may be recommended to take vitamin D or calcium supplements. Meanwhile, in many other cases, children must avoid taking supplements that promise to increase height.
Because, after the growth period is over, the increase in height will not happen again, regardless of what is offered by the supplement label.
Genetic factors are the main thing that affects the condition of the child's height. However, you can still optimize your child's growth and development by teaching children to exercise regularly.
Launching from the journal Sports Medicine in the title The effects of Exercise on Growth, exercise can provide stimulation of body growth through stimulation effects on the growth hormone in the body.
In addition, regular exercise can certainly provide many health benefits. One of them is strengthening muscles and bones in the body related to high growth.
Therefore, children or adolescents at school must exercise at least an hour a day. So, how to get high quickly? You can invite children to do sports that can lift their bodies, including:
Disorders in children's high growth can also occur due to the use of certain drugs. The long-term use of steroids in children is at risk of causing children's high growth disorders.
Treatment of chemotherapy or radiation in children can also affect the production of the hormone bone growth in children. This makes the child's high growth not optimal.
The presence of disease disorders or health complaints that do not improve in children can affect growth and development. When children experience health complaints, this condition can cause a decrease in appetite in children which affects nutritional and nutritional intake.
If nutritional intake and nutrition are not balanced, of course this will make children's growth worse. Including the high condition of children who do not develop or increase.
Therefore, you must ensure that your child's health condition is in good condition. If the child's health is disturbed for several days, it is better to do a health check to handle this condition.
That's a review of how to increase height at the age of 14. Hopefully useful. Visit to get other interesting information.