A Glimpse Of Gibran Rakabuming: Idolizing Ahok To Be Called A Great Opportunity In Indonesian Politics

JAKARTA - Gibran Rakabuming, who now serves as the Mayor of Solo turned out to make the figure of Basuki Tjahaja Purnama aka Ahok as his idol. Gibran expressed his admiration for the President Commissioner of Pertamina as well as the former Governor of DKI Jakarta.

"He is one of the people I idolize. The person is firm and nothing cak check," Gibran said after his meeting with Ahok in Loji Gandrung Solo, Central Java, on Wednesday, April 7.

Given a lot of suggestions and feedback
Solo Mayor Gibran Rakabuming Raka (Photo: Twitter @PEMKOT_SOLO)

When meeting with Ahok, the Mayor of Solo claimed to be given a lot of advice and input. Especially about leadership or leadership. In addition, Gibran was also given many suggestions, namely related to green open space, Ahok suggested that it be reproduced.

"There were a lot of inputs, especially for the green open space needs to be added more," explained Gibran.

Gibran himself claimed to have not seen Ahok for a long time. Their last meeting was when his father, Jokowi was sworn in as president in Jakarta.

"Haven't seen him in a long time. Last time I saw you at your inauguration. It's never been talked about yet," said President Jokowi's eldest son.

Ahok arrived at the Solo Mayor's office at around 7:30 p.m. His arrival was greeted by Gibran, before they entered the boardroom of the office house. Ahok explained that his arrival to Solo to meet President Jokowi's eldest son was not to discuss political matters, but there was indeed a working visit to Cepu on Thursday, April 8.

Gibran has a great chance in the political scene
Basuki Tjahaja Purnama (Ahok) (Photo: Instagram @basukibtp)

Meanwhile, political observer from Al-Azhar University Indonesia, Andriadi Achmad, stated that Gibran has a very big chance in Indonesian politics.

In fact, according to him, the position of office occupied by Gibran is currently considered too low, considering he is the son of the president.

"As crown prince, Gibran should have gone directly to the central level, whether a member of the House of Representatives or Pilgub Jakarta or Pilgub Jateng. So the position of taking the mayor, I think is still low as crown prince," Andriadi told VOI, Thursday, April 8.

Furthermore, Andriadi added, Gibran could have a great chance if Jokowi's influence continues to become the chairman of the PDIP. In fact, according to him, Gibran could be 'The Next Jokowi'.

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