5 How To Eliminate Itchy In Miss V Naturally, Listen Carefully
YOGYAKARTA How to remove itching in female genitals can naturally be applied to overcome mild cases.
Itching in the feminine area must be addressed immediately because it can disrupt daily life. Itching in miss V is generally caused by irritation, hormonal changes, or stress levels.
Itching in a light female genitals can be overcome without having to take drugs.
Curious how to deal with itching on a woman's genitals naturally? Let's see the full information below.
Compiled from various sources, the following are various ways to deal with itching on women's genitals naturally:
The first way to remove itching on the genitals naturally is to give a cold compress on the outside of the vagina. However, you are not allowed to place ice cubes directly on the skin's surface.
To do so, wrap ice cubes with cloth or soak a towel in cold water. Next, attach the cloth or towel in the vagina area for 10 minutes until itching in the miss V subsides. Make sure to keep the vagina dry afterwards.
You can also remove itching in the feminine area by bathing in warm water. This method is effective enough to relieve itching around the genitals.
Warm water can widen blood vessels and increase cytokine circulation which plays a role in inflammation and itching. When applying car aini, use the appropriate warm temperature, namely nail fever.
The next way to deal with itching on a woman's genitals is naturally applying coconut oil to the feminine area.
Coconut oil has a natural moisturizing effect for dry skin while it can reduce itching. In addition, coconut oil can also be an antimicrobial and antibacterial agent.
As for how to remove itching on the genitals with coconut oil, namely applying coconut oil in the outer skin area of the vagina enough. Next, wear a pantyliner so that coconut oil does not cause scars on your underwear. Make sure you use pure coconut oil.
When Miss V feels itchy, you are advised to take probiotics, such as yogurt, kefir, and so on.
Probiotics can help overcome itching in the vagina because they can maintain the balance of good bacteria in the reproductive organs.
Using colloidal oatmeals to shower can help relieve itching in the feminine area. Oatmeal colloids are believed to have anti-inflammatory activity on the skin, so they can reduce irritation and itching of the genitals.
However, it is important to know that oatmeal colod is different from the usual oathmeals consumed. This type of oatmeal is available in the form of a lotion specifically designed for bathing.
How to use oatmel colloids to remove itching on a woman's genitals, namely by dissolving enough commodity oil into a bath that is already filled with warm water. Next, use the water to soak for at least 20 minutes.
For the record, how to remove itching on a woman's genitals naturally only applies to mild cases. After a heavier condition, such as the appearance of an unpleasant odor from a miss V, it is better to check yourself with a doctor.
That's information about how to remove itching on a woman's genitals naturally. Get other selected news updates only on VOI.ID.