Epyardi Asda Police Ex-Regent Solok Gara-gara Not Return Debt Hundreds Of Millions

SOLOK - Elected Solok Regent Epyardi Asda reported former Solok Regent and Deputy Regent Solok Gusmal-Yulfadri related to alleged money embezzlement and fraud to Solok City Police.

"Right, I reported them both related to suspected criminal fraud. But this is just a guess yes. So I as a good citizen if there is a problem of course report to the authorities," Epy said in Solok quoted Antara, Thursday, April 8

The elected Regent of Solok was accompanied by his attorney Armen Bakar and David Orlando visited the Solok City Police Department. In his complaint, Epyardi Asda asked the police to legally ascertain the case.

"That's why I came to the police, to explain the chronological. I hope the police can explain legally whether this case is true or not," he said.

The alleged fraud, Epy said, began when Gusmal accompanied by Yulfadri Nurdin borrowed money to Epyardi Asda that had not been paid, as well as the alleged fraud and embezzlement. Even tried to communicate with Gusmal through his lawyer but did not find a bright spot.

"I've tried to communicate before but I can't even form a lawyer. So, the one who borrowed the money to me was Mr. Gusmal. Mr. Yulfadri was only accompanying, and I handed over my money to Mr. Gusmal. Well, how mr. Gusmal and Mr. Yul agreement I do not know," he continued.

He mentioned the total money lent to Gusmal is Rp1.3 billion and has been paid by Gusmal in his confession of Rp600 million, remaining around Rp700 million more.

"For me, so that there should be no libel we better finish, so that when I am appointed later there is no longer the term regent of this report and that, because I am currently reporting as a citizen," he continued.

Epyardi's lawyer Asda Armen Bakar said the case was long-running but it was not yet clear the settlement.

"It's been a long time, even I as a legal representative never met the reported, but the result is nil. Looks like this legal path has to go. We report suspected embezzlement and fraud or article 372 and article 378 which each threaten a sentence of four years in prison," he said.

Iptu City Police Chief Evi Wansri said police had received Epyardi Asda's complaint. For the next process it will confirm to the complaining party.

"We follow up first. What is true according to the complaint and of course we need an explanation also from the reported party," he said.

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