Mensesneg Calls TMII To Be Managed By State-Owned Tourism

JAKARTA - The Ministry of State Secretariat (Kemensetneg) plans to hand over the management of Taman Mini Indonesia Indah (TMII) to state-owned enterprises (SOEs) in the field of tourism.

"Later we will ask for the help of one of the tourism SOEs to manage this TMII, so it is managed by professional people, professional institutions and hopefully it will be much better and contribute to the state finances," said Minister of State Secretariat Pratikno in Jakarta, reported antara, Thursday, April 8.

As it is known the takeover of TMII by the Ministry of Finance was carried out after President Jokowi issued Presidential Regulation No. 19 of 2021 on The Management of TMII.

For 44 years, TMII which is a state asset under the Ministry of Finance was managed by Harapan Kita Foundation based on Presidential Decree No. 51 of 1977.

"In accordance with the newly published presidential regulation, the management of TMII is now withdrawn from yayasan Harapan Kita to Kemensetneg but that does not mean forever will be managed by the Ministry of Finance," added Pratikno.

Currently the Ministry of Finance, according to Pratikno, created a transition team to move management from Yayasan Harapan Kita to Kemensetneg.

Pratikno also denied that tmii will be managed by the foundation formed by President Jokowi.

"Don't think Mr. Jokowi then created a family foundation to manage, not at all," Pratikno said.

According to Pratikno, the Ministry of Finance is formulating the criteria for who will appropriately professionally improve TMII.

"Then it contributes significantly to the state's finances. So it is not true that there is a foundation will be formed let alone linked to the foundation of Mr. Jokowi and others," said Pratikno.

The delegation of management from Harapan Kita Foundation to the Ministry of Finance was also known to be accompanied by the Ministry of Prevention of KPK.

"Kemensetneg is one of the focuses of kpk concern related to the management and utilization of state-owned goods (BMN) for contributions to the state, one of which is due to the large value of assets owned by the Ministry of Finance, which is worth Rp571 trillion, which includes, among others, the assets of Taman Mini Indonesia Indah, PPK Kemayoran, and Gelora Bung Karno (GBK) assets," said Acting Kpk Spokesperson for Prevention Ipi Maryati Kuding.

Related to TMII assets, according to Ipi, in 2020 through the implementation of coordination tasks, KPK has coordinated and facilitated the relevant parties, so that the management of TMII can be given to the government in this case to the Ministry of Finance so that it can be utilized as much as possible for the benefit of the state and the wider community.

"In accordance with the Deed of Offering TMII dated June 17, 1987 before the Notary, Harapan Kita Foundation handed over ownership of TMII to the government of the Republic of Indonesia consisting of land and all buildings on it," added Ipi.

Based on article 1 of Presidential Regulation No. 19 of 2021 concerning TMII Management set on March 31, 2021, tmii management is mentioned in 6 areas of land with a total area of 1,467,704 square meters conducted by the Ministry of Finance so that the land in the area is certified "Hak Pakai" on behalf of setneg republic of Indonesia.

While buildings and other assets on the land is managed by the Ministry of Finance, ministries / institutions or related local governments in accordance with the provisions of legislation in the field of management of State / Regional Property.

Furthermore, in article 5 beleid mentioned kemensetneg in the management of TMII can cooperate with other parties in accordance with the provisions of legislation in the field of Management of State / Regional Property.

Tag: nasional taman mini pengambilalihan tmii