Bobby Nasution's House In Medan Impressed Minimalist Yet Luxurious

JAKARTA - After marriage, apparently Bobby Nasution and Kahiyang Ayu lived in a simple residence far from the luxury of the palace.

The issue of his political movement that came forward as a candidate for Mayor of Medan, Bobby Nasution settled in a minimalist house with his wife.

Of course everyone already knows that Kahiyang Ayu is the only daughter of President Joko Widodo.

But even though Bobby Nasution's house in Medan seemed minimalist but luxurious, what did it look like?

Bobby Nasution's house in Medan looks minimalist but luxurious

Unlike his brother's house, Gibran Rakabuming which looks artistic with a unique interior design, Kahiyang and Bobby's residence is simpler but luxurious.

Presumably the couple who married in 2017 was not too dizzy thinking about the design of the residence they live in.

The visuals of the façade are simple, with dark brown wooden doors providing the dominant contrast of the surrounding light beige painted walls.

Then on the floor components are fitted with white ceramics and outer walls that use tiles patterned with natural stone. The rest there are no components that are quite striking or unique from the front view of the minimalist house.

Interior dominated by white color

Moving to the interior side of Bobby Nasution's house which was also wrapped in a minimalist style with the dominance of white color on almost each side.

The interior feels really spacious thanks to the use of white wall paint combined with minimalist dark red curtains. As a result the match became a beautiful contrast.

It seems that President Jokowi's love for Indonesia is unquestionable, looking at the theme of housing that has represented the red and white flag.

Simple Living Room

Switch to the living room of Kahiyang Ayu and Bobby Nasution which is dominated by white wall paint.

In the minimalist living room, there is a set of sofas and tables covered in black that blend perfectly with the all-white interior.

Right on the back side of the living room, there is a minimalist dining table set that is also black in line with the sofa set.

The difference is that the dining table set combines wooden accents to create a modern look with a charming traditional touch.

There's a Swimming Pool

Still in the courtyard zone, minimalist swimming pool features that look very cool and fresh present complete the couple's residence.

The structure of the swimming pool was created with a higher elevation of the surrounding soil arranged with ceramic-plated fringes of natural stone motifs.

With a higher elevation, the entrance to the minimalist swimming pool becomes easier when you want to sit on the periphery while dipping your feet while taking time off.

The beautiful impression is also felt from the decoration in the form of ornamental plants on the edge of the pool.

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