Supriyani's Teacher Examined By Propam Regarding Request Of IDR 50 Million From The Police

KONAWE - An honorary teacher at SDN 4 Baito, South Konawe Regency (Konsel), was investigated by the Southeast Sulawesi Police Propam regarding the request for Rp50 million from the police at the Baito Police Station, to stop investigating the case that happened to him.
honorary teacher Supriyani said during the examination she was questioned with 30 questions for approximately four hours indoors.
"About 30 questions related to the problem of Accusation of abuse that occurred in schools (SDN 4 Baito)," Supriyani said as quoted by ANTARA, Wednesday, November 6.
He said that during the examination he only provided information to the police regarding the request for money amounting to Rp. 2 million and Rp. 50 million from Baito Police personnel.
"The question is Rp. 2 million and Rp. 50 million, because that's all I know, I don't know about the others," he said.
Supriyani admitted that during the case posing at the Baito Police, he was asked for money from the Baito Police Chief Ipda Idris in the amount of Rp. 2 million which was then handed over by the Wonua Raya Village Head.
"After that (given Rp2 million to the police chief), my husband told me that the police chief asked for Rp2 million," explained Supriyani.
Then related to the request for Rp50 million, the Baito Police investigators made Supriyani, who if the money could not be fulfilled, the case would be continued or transferred to the prosecutor's office.
"If you give Rp50 million, that's a problem," said Supriyani.
Previously reported, the Propam Bid of the Southeast Sulawesi Police examined six police personnel related to the case of SSDN 4 Baito honorary teacher, South Konawe Regency (South Konawe) Supriyani.
Head of Propam Bid Polda Sultra Kombes Moch. Sholeh said that the six personnel carried out the examination came from the Baito Police and the South Konawe Police.
"That's right (inspection of police personnel), three Polsek (Baito) personnel and three Polres (South Konawe) personnel," said Moch. Sholeh.
The police have also scheduled an examination of the Wonua Raya Village Head in the context of clarifying the request for money amounting to Rp50 million addressed to Supriyani.
"Please time, because the village head is being called for clarification," he said.