PK Lucas Granted Supreme Court, Lawyer: He Should Be Free

JAKARTA - The Supreme Court (MA) granted a Review filed by convicted cases of obstruction of investigation of former Lippo Group official Eddy Sindoro, Lucas. Lucas' attorney, Aldres Napitupulu, said his client should be released soon because he is innocent.

"It should mean he is free because PK is granted. (The verdict, red) was found not guilty," Aldres said when contacted by reporters in Jakarta on Thursday, April 8.

He said he would send a letter to the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK). Because, one of the warning points of the verdict in the PK is to release Lucas.

"We will express to the KPK that kpk first implement one of the warning verdicts that is to remove Lucas from the Correctional Institution," he said.

In addition to asking KPK to release his client, Aldres asked for Lucas' belongings to be returned. No exception items that have been auctioned.

"If it has been auctioned we will ask for the results of the auction to be handed back to Mr. Lucas, to the party from which the goods were confiscated," he said.

PK Lucas was knocked out on Wednesday, April 7, presiding judge Abdul Latif, and two member judges Sofyan Sitompul, and Salman Luthan. The verdict was registered with the number: 78 PK/Pid.Sus/2021.

With the verdict granted, Eddy Sindoro's lawyers have received a cut of the criminal penalty four times. In the case of obstruction of investigation, Lucas was actually sentenced to seven years in prison by the Jakarta Tipikor Court Judge Panel in March 2019.

Subsequently, Lucas appealed and his sentence was trimmed to five years. He then filed for cassation again and was given a three-year prison sentence. After that, Lucas submitted pk to MA on January 5, 2021 and was granted.

Tag: kpk nasional kasus hukum mahkamah agung