Are The Stones Safe For Ketiak? Find Out The Answer Here

YOGYAKARTA Tawas stone is a crystal rock made from alum potassium minerals. Tawas stone has antiperspirant and antiseptic effects, so it is often applied to armpit folding to prevent unpleasant odors and excessive sweat. So, is tawas stone safe for armpits? Come on, find out the answer in the following review.

The use of tawas in armpit folding to prevent the smell of excess sweat was declared safe by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA/United States Food and Drug Administration).

As we all know, armpits are part of the body that is most prone to emitting unpleasant odors and excessive sweat. Apart from deodoration, the problem of body odor and excessive sweat production can be overcome with tawas or alum.

In Southeast Asia, tawas has been used as a natural destination for hundreds of years. This is thanks to the content in it which is believed to be useful for maintaining body hygiene, especially armpits.

According to Medical News Today, the astrgen effect on tawas can tighten the skin by shrinking the cells, so that the sweat out becomes less.

While antiseptic properties in tawas can inhibit the growth of microorgism in networks that live like the surface of the skin.

Here are some of the benefits of tawas stone for armpits that you need to know:

Black ketikak can be caused by many factors, such as shaving the armpit hair is not appropriate or has certain medical problems. You can overcome this by applying tawas stones to armpit folding. This natural material can clean up dirt, dead skin cells, and prevent excess oil production, making armpits look brighter.

The next benefit of tawas stones for armpit skin is to make armpit skin more delicate. This is because tawas can prevent excessive sweat production, remove dead skin cells, and remove dirt from the armpit skin.

Too damp ketikak makes bacteria can grow and reproduce rapidly. This condition can cause an unpleasant odor in the area of the body. especially, if you are sweating.

Well, the use of tawas in armpit folding can suppress the growth of bacteria in the area. This is what makes tawas can reduce the unpleasant aroma in armpits, aka body odor.

Adapting AI_Care, tawas applied to armpits is usually still in the form of rocks or lumps of crystals. If you want to use a tawas stone in your armpit to prevent body odor, you can follow the following steps:

After applying the tawas stone in the armpit folds, dry the tawas stone by tapping the towel until it's completely dry.

It is important to dry the tawas stone completely before storing it, because tawas can be dissolved if exposed to water. Save the tawas stone in a cool and dry place with sufficient air flow access so that the tawas stone remains dry.

That's a review of whether the tawas stone is safe for armpits. Get other selected news updates only on VOI.ID.