PK Granted MA, Lucas Lawyers Ask For Goods Seized And Auctioned KPK Returned

JAKARTA - The Supreme Court granted a request for a review (PK) submitted by Lucas' advocates in a case hindering the investigation of suspect Eddy Sindoro.

In the clerkship page of the Supreme Court mentioned that the verdict of pk on behalf of defendant Lucas was declared "kabul" by judges Abdul Latif, Sofyan Sitompul, and Salman Luthan which was decided on April 7, 2021.

"That is, he is free, proven not guilty because PK was granted," Lucas' lawyer, Aldres Napitupulu, said in Jakarta, reported antara, Thursday, April 8.

According to Aldres, in the pk application submitted by Lucas mentioned that Lucas requested that the MA declare the applicant PK / convicted Lucas not proven legally and convincingly guilty of criminal acts as charged by the public prosecutor and free applicant PK / convicted Lucas from all charges and prosecutions.

Lucas also requested that his rights be restored and rehabilitated and expelled from tangerang's Class I Correctional Institution.

Another request is for the evidence to be returned to the party from which it was confiscated.

"In relation to the goods we wait for the extract of the verdict first, the verdict is all. We will express to the KPK that kpk first implement one of the warning verdicts, namely removing Lucas from prison, then regarding the evidence and others of course we will ask to be returned," said Aldres.

The return of the evidence, he continued, including evidence that has been auctioned kpk.

"If it has been auctioned, we will ask that the results of the auction be handed back to Mr. Lucas, to the party from which the item was confiscated," said Aldres.

In relation to the PK's decision, kpk stated that it will still coordinate with the MA.

"We will check and coordinate in advance with the MA. We are still waiting for the full verdict on whether to release the PK applicant as the information circulated," said Kpk Spokesman Ali Fikri.

In this case, Lucas who is Eddy Sindoro's lawyer as a former lippo group official was initially designated as a suspect by kpk for obstructing the investigation in eddy sindoro case.

The decision of the judges of the Jakarta Tipikor Court on March 20, 2019, Lucas was sentenced to 7 years in prison plus a fine of Rp600 million subsider 6 months of confinement.

Furthermore, on June 26, 2019, the High Court of DKI Jakarta sentenced him to 5 years imprisonment and a fine of Rp600 million subsider 6 months of confinement.

Meanwhile, the ma cassation verdict again reduced Lucas' sentence to 3 years in prison based on the cassation verdict on December 17, 2019