RT's Salary List In Indonesia 2021, Surabaya Doubled

JAKARTA - The enactment of Law No. 6 of 2014 on Villages makes the government's attention to the village even higher. One of the impacts is the flow of funds to the village. Does that include RT's salary in Indonesia?

Rukun tetangga or RT is not included in the official structure of the bureaucracy, but the duties and roles of the chairmen of RT are quite large. All Indonesian citizens who have grown up must have had an interest with the chairman of RT, for example when taking care of the manufacture of identity cards (KTP).

In Presidential Decree No. 49 of 2001 there is also a section that regulates the question of RT. In the presidential decree mentioned, one of RT's duties is to assist the government in serving the community. No wonder that in recent years the leaders of RT have received more attention.

Rt's salary in Indonesia is not the same

Rt's leaders get salaries for the tasks they carry out. So, how much does RT pay in the village? The value turns out not to be the same between one region and another. Here is the amount of RT's salary that exists in some areas as a view.

1. Rt's Salary in Pangandaran Regency

The salary of rt chairman in Pangandaran district in 2021 increased compared to the previous year. In 2020, RT's salary will be Rp2,250,000, while this year it will increase to Rp2,500.00.

The same thing happened with the level above, namely the community harmony (RW). Rw chairman's salary in 2020 was Rp2,500,000, while in 2021 it rose to Rp2,750,000.

2. RT Salary in Subang Regency

The head of RT in this district will get Rp3 million per year. For the above level (RW), the salary to be received is Rp3.4 million per year.

According to the Regent of Subang, Ruhimat, honorarium for rt chairman and rw chairman is sourced from village fund allocation (ADD).

"Alhamdulillah, currently the chairman of RT and RW in us has been given a salary. Although not ideal," explained Ruhimat at the Subang Local Government Hall, Tuesday, March 30.

3. Rt's Salary in Surabaya

The heads of RT in Surabaya, which initially received operational costs of Rp550,000 per month, this year rose to Rp1,000,000 per month. The increase was also experienced by RW. Previously received operational costs of Rp600,000 per month, currently being Rp1,250,000 per month.

"Actually this is like an honor or incentive for RT. Those who help the government to know the condition of its citizens. As later data collection of low-income people (MBR) is also carried out by RT, but to be more careful and precisely targeted," said the Mayor of Surabaya, Eri Cahyadi.

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