10 Valencia Players And Staff Who Test Positive For COVID-19 Recover

JAKARTA - After being approached by fear as a result of his squad contracting COVID-19 or the corona virus, Valencia received good news. The 10 players and staff members who previously tested positive for the corona have now recovered.

Two weeks ago, initial tests were carried out on the players and staff members who had been around the first team. And now the test is being done again.

As a result, everyone who was previously positive for COVID-19 tested negative and has recovered.

Eliaquim Mangala, Jose Gaya, and Ezequiel Garay are openly named as players who have contracted the corona. The identities of the other seven are kept secret as part of the agreement with the club.

Los Che is the Spanish club hardest hit by the virus. Their Champions League trip to Milan against Atalanta is believed to have contributed to this fact.

The mayor of Bergamo described their city as a "biological bomb". Even though the worst-affected area in Italy has a world-class health care system that is often praised by the World Health Organization (WHO).

However, the recent developments from Valencia have been quite good and it shows that the crisis team that the club built at the start of this pandemic are doing well over time.