Police Name 3 New Suspects In Online Gambling Cases Involving Komdigi Persons

Polda Metro Jaya has named three new suspects in the online gambling case involving employees or special staff of the Ministry of Communication and Digital Affairs (Komdigi). So, while there are already 14 people who are suspects.

"Yes, it is true (determining three new suspects)," said Head of Sub-Directorate for Jatanras Ditreskrimum Polda Metro Jaya AKBP Rovan Richard Mahenu to VOI, Saturday, November 2.

However, it has not been conveyed about their identities, including the three people who have just been named as suspects.

It was only conveyed that of the dozens of suspects, the majority were from Komdigi.

"11 Komdigi people including staff and 3 civilians," he said.

Currently, investigators are still developing the online gambling case. In particular, in finding the assets of the suspects who came from criminal acts.

"We are still developing and will confiscate all assets obtained from crime," said Rovan.

Previously, the police arrested and named 11 suspects. Some of them are Komdigi expert staff.

"11 people were arrested and named as suspects. Civilians and some of them (employees) Komdigi, there are also some expert staff," said Head of Public Relations of Polda Metro Jaya Kombes Ade Ary Syam Indradi.

In handling the case, the police searched the Ministry of Communication and Digital Affairs (Komdigi) office on Friday, November 1. A number of evidences such as laptops were confiscated related to the case.