Ex-Minister Of Imam Nahrawi Thrown Into Sukamiskin Prison

JAKARTA - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) executed former Minister of Youth and Sports (Menpora) Imam Nahrawi to Sukamiskin Prison, Bandung, West Java on Tuesday, April 6.

This was done after being convicted in a corruption case of granting kemenpora grants to KONI as well as gratification amounting to Rp8.3 billion.

The execution was carried out based on the decision of MA Number: 485 K/ Pid.Sus/2021 dated March 15, 2021 Jo Verdict PN Tipikor at PT DKI Jakarta Number: 30/PID. SUS-TPK/2020/PT DKI. JKT dated October 8, 2020 Jo Verdict PN Tipikor at PN Central Jakarta Number: 9/Pid.Sus/TPK/2020/PN. Jkt.Pst is dated June 29, 2020.

"Kpk Execution Prosecutors Rusdi Amin and Josep Wisnu Sigit have carried out by inserting convicted Imam Nahrawi into the Correctional Institution Klas IA Sukamiskin to serve a prison sentence of 7 years reduced while in custody," said Acting Kpk Spokesman for Enforcement Ali Fikri in his written statement, Wednesday, April 7.

In addition to having to serve a sentence, the politician of the National Justice Party (PKB) also had to pay a fine of Rp400 million. "Provided that the fine is not paid then it is replaced with a six-month prison sentence," Ali said.

Imam, said Ali, is also subject to additional penalties in the form of payment of replacement money worth Rp19,154,203,882.

"If the convict does not have enough property to pay the replacement money, then it is criminal with a prison sentence of 3 years," he said.

"In the decision of the Panel of Judges at the MA level there is an additional penalty in the form of revocation of the right to be elected to public office for five years starting from the moment the convict finishes serving the principal criminal," added Ali.

Previously reported, the Supreme Court judges rejected the submission of the cassation of former Minister of Youth and Sports (Menpora) Imam Nahrawi.

This submission was made after the former politician of the National Justice Party (PKB) was found guilty in a bribery case related to the management of the kemenpora grant proposal to the Indonesian National Sports Committee (KONI).

With this ruling, imams continued to serve seven years in prison and paid a fine of Rp400 million subsider three months of confinement.

"Amar the verdict of the accused rejected, the public prosecutor rejected the improvement," as quoted from the website of the Clerk of the Supreme Court, Tuesday, March 16.

This case is registered with the number 485K/PID. SUS/2021 with judges Krisna Harahap, Abdul Latif, and Suhadi.